I stumbled across 50Faggots today through their Facebook group. Their website is stunning, as is the footage they've collected from interviews with 10 femme gay boys in NYC, DC, and Chicago over the past two years that you get a taste of in the trailer below:
Can't wait to see more! They're having a launch party May 13th at Hydrate in Chicago, hosted by the *incredible* Cyon Flare (who I saw perform back in 2008) and Acid Betty. Road trip!
Ok did you see in the bottom right hand corner of their website the "Interested in becoming a part of the 50 Faggots" button?! I'M INTERESTED!! I just sent in my information (& plugged "The Bottom Monologues," too)!!
Thanks! Make sure it's a Saturday or Sunday plenary b/c I found out from my boss that they will, in fact, NOT be approving me to miss any work time to be at the Summit this year. :( So I have to cram my entire Summit experience into the weekend...I'll fly down on Friday afternoon/evening and then home either really late on Sunday night or crazy early on Monday morning and just go str8 to work from the airport.
About Us Trevorade is a community of people just like you who spend their days thinking about sex, gay men's health, and HIV/AIDS. Welcome!
We Need Your Support We're supported almost exclusively by donations from generous souls like yourself. So please, if you enjoy the content here, shell out a few gay dollars to help us cover our hosting bills.
N' Chips
Liberal-Minded. Antillean-American. Queer.
Non-PC Feminist.
My. God.
Gay Culture, Short Stories, & More! NY-Based.
Fellow Ann Arborite and
Gay Blogger. Sexuality & Human Rights focus.
Gay Activist Eric Levin's Fabulous NY-Based
Pam's House Blend
She's a fabulous North Carolinian blogging about politics, LGBT and women's rights, the influence of the far Right, and race relations. What more can I say?
Oh....this looks GEEEENIUS!!
Ok did you see in the bottom right hand corner of their website the "Interested in becoming a part of the 50 Faggots" button?! I'M INTERESTED!! I just sent in my information (& plugged "The Bottom Monologues," too)!!
Nice work, lady! PS I just unconsentually you to speak on a plenary at the GMHS!
Thanks! Make sure it's a Saturday or Sunday plenary b/c I found out from my boss that they will, in fact, NOT be approving me to miss any work time to be at the Summit this year. :( So I have to cram my entire Summit experience into the weekend...I'll fly down on Friday afternoon/evening and then home either really late on Sunday night or crazy early on Monday morning and just go str8 to work from the airport.
this is great! thank you for sharing.
ps- i love your blog.