Happy 2010, ladies! I've been a terribly negligent blogger as of the past month. First it was final exams, and then it was family and friends over the holidays. Alas, my month of intense pain and then leisure has now come to a halt and I'm back to the grind. Classes begin again today at Michigan. Too early if you ask me!
New Year's was spent with the San Francisco gay family -- temporarily located in Boston to be with our friend whose just moved there from SF -- and it was a lovely time. As if this photo doesn't say it all:

That was New Year's Day after having dinner in Boston's North End Italian District. We ate at Pomodoro, which changed our lives. Seriously: One of the best meals of my gay life. The woman who owns it runs it with her daughter who waits tables while she keeps everything moving. It's the size of a New York hotel room in there, but the food is delicious and she kept plying us with complimentary appetizers and desserts to "start the new year right." She's wonderful, and so is her eatery.
We stayed at our dear friend Ty's place -- who has just moved out East to the frozen Puritanical tundra that is Boston. He lives out in Jamaica Plain, which meant taking the orange line to and fro his place. Here we are bundled up within an inch of our lives waiting for the train to come in the decidedly unheated station:

Jesus we're adorable. I can hardly stand it myself, so I'll call this entry to an end. I'll get back to a regular routine of sharing gayness here this week. Sorry for the hiatus! Hope you had a lovely holiday season as well!