This is perhaps the most HIGHlarious thing I've read in MONTHS. Speaking about the "disastrous" impact that Golden Girls had on "our boys" during the Reagan Era, this wonk goes on to lament:
Our horny, lonely boys sought out intimate comforts with likeminded Golden Girls addicts who didn't mind each other's theatrical voices and touch-feely hand gestures. Together, these clusters of awkward teens and twentysomethings bonded over their favorite episodes and characters, mimicking the voices and gowns of their tv friends. When the rush of cheesecake and gabfests wore thin, these hairless boys needed a harder thrill. They were so desperate for the next big trend they turned to same-sex sexual experimentation. What woman would have them now, anyway? This led to the worse excesses of early homosexual visibility- the most enormous of drag queens, the dirtiest of leather daddies, the most enticing of twinkie boys, androgyny, overeating, public sex and the birth of "camp."
I'm sorry, my dear, but "camp" far predates Blanche Devereaux or Dorothy Zbornak -- although they're both wonderful modern case studies in the phenomenon. The appeal of GG to homos in the US was based on the constant references in the show to a camp culture built upon powerful / tragic female figures in cinema and pop culture. Unfortunately, I doubt it wound up converting many straights to gays. But we can hope!
Really, though, there are so many lols in this article, I can hardly manage to get any soda down while reading. A few examples:
"Every buff beefcake I've ever met has been tremendously brainless. They can bump out the beats to any Madonna song on a club railing, but are incapable of telling you the difference between Acapulco and an avocado."
"For Florida, The Golden Girls completely ruined the reality of Miami's masculine reputation. It was no longer a city of Scarface and Miami Vice. The Cuban machismo and gorgeous Ferraris melted in the face of lengthy canasta games and comfortable paisley chairs. And then the gays came marching in to South Beach. Not even CSI Miami can win the city back for the straights."
"Today, as this crowd ages we have to wonder what comes next for the Golden Girl generation of American homosexuals. They're turning 40 and 50 now... Many are too old at this point to be pursuing anonymous street pickups and have settled into caustic relationships that are only monogamous out of mutual laziness. Maybe they find weekend solace in amateur photography or an overly primped shit-zu."
AMAZING! It's so hard to find such insightful cultural analysis today. Thanks so much to Stephenson Billings for having such a keen faggoty eye for these sorts of things. Five gay gold stars!
Thanks to reader Harry for the tip
I don't know where to turn! To realize that because of this show I have been living in sin for so many years is just making life unbearable. I loved that show so much. I even humiliated my whole family and friends by airing our dirty little laundry and producing a show about my obsession in Los Angeles (coming soon to Palm Springs). It was called The Golden Gays http://www.thegoldengays.com and it is proof that Stephen (life in the Closet is good) Billings knows what he is talking about. Every point in his article is made clear through this shameful piece of musical Theatre - that the critics love ;-) I guess I'll just have to pick up the pieces from here.
The minute I opened the link I realized what was up. Christ Wire is a satire website poking fun at, well, pretty much anything, particularly the religious.
Actually, there are some that think it's real, but many contend its simply too far out there to be serious, even for some of the bat-shit crazy religious website out there.
That being said I wouldn't necessarily put the argument out of the realm of what some social-conservative would actually say. After all some believe straight porn causes you to be gay, and lets face it Blanche is pretty hott.