In some ways, Obama's fealty to the big gay lobby rather than to the real gay community is testimony to why Democratic party politics remain repulsive to me. HRC has achieved nothing substantive for gay equality on a federal level in the twenty years I've been observing them. But they sure know how to milk donors at swanky black tie affairs. They are the Rotary Club for affluent gays, and their prime job is to explain to the gay community why it is never in the Democratic party's interest to do anything for gay people that might actually resemble equality. Oh, yes, we'll get a lovely Obama speech. Like that costs him anything or proves anything.
There is nothing Obama can say at this self-satisfied, well-heeled Rotary Club dinner that he hasn't said before. And the idea that simply showing up is something we should all be ecstatic over and grateful for is another sign of the low self-esteem and lack of self-respect among the leaders of that organization who did all they could to defeat Obama in the primaries last spring. I won't be there and haven't been there for more than a decade. It is not a forum to advance gay rights; it is a fundraising session designed to make people feel better for backing an organization incapable of passing laws supported by overwhelming majorities of the American people. Oh, and fawning over B-list Hollywood celebrities.
If Obama wants to support gay equality, he knows what to do. If Pelosi and Reid want to support gay equality, they know what to do. If HRC believes in gay equality, they also know what to do.
So spare us the schmoozing and the sweet-talking and do it. Until then, Mr president, why don't you have a nice steaming cup of shut-the-fuck-up?
Yep, you can tell when he was writing this that he was foaming at the mouth.
I'm still on the fence partly on this upcoming speech. I think Sullivan is correct, we are unlikely to hear anything new. However, he is still the POTUS and that still means something, and I really do think he wants to do right thing.
Still, every speech or event he attends must have some kind of incentive for him, and I can't for the life of me think of any other reason than trying to himself more time; and I have an issue with that.
On Sullivan's other point, I'm not to well versed on HRC but from everything I read on the organization it doesn't seem to be very effective or even connected to what is happening on the ground. If it's true, then I suppose it's just another example of what happens when causes get too close to Washington.
Ugh. Calm down Miss Sullivan. I don't much care for HRC - but Obama speaking to them in advance of the March IS a big deal, sorry.
And, really, I am beyond sick and tired of raging, whining queens who can't understand why Obama hasn't done anything for us yet - and because we are 10 months in to his 4 year presidency, with no gay rights legislation passed -
"it is over, it aint going to happen, under the bus, same ole same ole, blah blah blah."
Miss Sullivan - . enjoy your own cup of FUCK OFF, nice and steamy.
In Illinois, we have known Barack for a long time - much longer than the rest of you - and I have faith that he will come through. He always has for us. But timing and strategy is everything - and hello, the guy is a bit busy dealing with health care reform - which is for ALL of us, big fags included - and oh yeah, a couple of wars, and a fucked economy.
We are going to get DADT repealed, we will get ENDA, and more. But it won't be because bitter, entitled queens had multple tantrums and sissy fits.
I, for one, sincerely hope you're right Jim!!!