Oh the many ways gay men have devised to say "no fats!" The latest phrase to rise to prominence is "height / weight proportionate" (or "hwp" as its abbreviated -- see above) -- which is a curious expression indeed. What exactly does it mean to be height / weight proportionate? And why has it quickly become the preferred alternative to "in shape"; "fit"; "active"; etc? A few thoughts.
Describing the kind of bodies that turn you on is not always such an easy task. Our language is somewhat imprecise. Anyone who's ever queried the meaning of a "swimmers build" is bound to see the vagaries that riddle online profiles. Indeed, we are tasked as gay men to choose a simple phrase to describe our body type from a list of options. For instance, Manhunt's options:
This list of options clearly does not come with a codebook. Deciding which to pick is in part about defining the way you identify and want others to identify you -- and not necessarily about attempting to accurately portray your body's shape / size / etc. Indeed, we see here that identity categories have woven their way into this set of options: Bear, Twink, and Cub are all suspicious here. They refer more to a cultural identity than they do to a particular body type (albeit, the two are closely related). For instance, Twink implies Slim -- yet the two are offered as separate categories. But perhaps it also implies hairless or smooth -- adding yet another layer of description implied here. It also implies young, which seems to be further off the mark in terms of what this drop-down menu is allegedly intended to describe. In any case, you can see the complexities and problems that arise here.
Since the advent of gay personals, gay men have come up with all sorts of ways to describe their own selves -- and the kind of men that they find hot. "No fats, no fems" was and still is a relatively common phrase found in profiles and ads looking for sex. But recently there has been a turn towards this curious phrase that is the subject of this blog post: Height / weight proportionate.
Let's presume that this means -- at least -- that there is a range of proportions between a person's height and weight, and that there is a subset of these ranges that is desirable. That seems clear. But isn't this a peculiar way to phrase this? I mean, anyone can be said to have a proportion between their height and weight. Are some of those proportions wrong?
Let's try this out. I am 69 inches tall, and weight 180 pounds. In other words, my height-to-weight ratio is about 0.38. I would consider myself in the "Average" body type range, whatever that means. Let's take another case -- a self-described "Body Builder" who looks damn stacked in his Manhunt pictures. Muscles on top of muscles. Presuming his reporting is accurate, he is 68 inches tall and weighs 185 pounds. His height-to-weight ratio is about 0.37. Does that somehow make his proportion worse? Better? You can see how silly this all becomes.
In the end, I think hwp rose to fame because of a combination of the exponentially escalating use of statistics when it comes to describe our bodies and our health (BMIs, etc). It connotes a kind of numerical preciseness that "Physically Fit" seems to lack. But as I hope I've made clear, it is no more precise. It's just as vague and nebulous a term as those that preceded it.
What's a more precise way to say what turns you on? If you're into lean guys, just say lean. It's very clear. If you're into guys with a lot of muscle, just say that. It may always be helpful to give examples, too. "Looking for guys built like David Beckham." Okay, so maybe that's a bit outrageous. But it's worth giving it a try. Because the problem with vague terms is not just that it makes it hard to read what you're into, but it makes the person considering responding to your ad double-guess whether or not he meets your requirements. Using more clear language helps entice those who fit your guidelines, and weed out those who don't. And -- for better or worse -- that's what profile-based hookup sites are all about.
Instead of HWP, I like to use the more exact body mass index (BMI), which is the division of your weight in kg by your height in meters squared.
For example:
69 inches = 1.75 meters
180 pounds = 81.6 kg
BMI = 81.6 kg / (1.75 x 1.75 meters) = 26.6
A BMI of 26.6 is considered overweight by many people.
Instead of calculating BMI, you can use the graphical chart on the Wikipedia body mass index (BMI) page.
Unlike the rest of the world, Americans don't understand metric units and so maybe this is why you rarely see BMI used in ads here.
Trevor, this is a great piece! I wish I had read before I typed up my piece for The New Gay, "The McDonalization of Gay Culture", because I have so much more I want to add now.
Those build/body type sections seem to have so little to do with your physical features, but rather the category within gay culture you best in to. For example you can be hairy, but I would see where you wouldn't exactly fit into the Bear category and instead fit better into the Slim category, such as the porn-star RJ Danvers.
I feel as if one day (soon) someone will develop the software so that when you upload a picture it will make the decision for you.
Also why does swimmer have its own category, but all other athletic shapes, i.e. soccer, wrestler, Ping Pong Champion, just go under the umbrella term "athletic"?
Again, great piece!
Thanks, Thomas and Clarence, for your thoughtful comments!
@Thomas: I still think you're relying on a rather unhelpful measure. I don't think integrating BMI into online profiles would result in any positive change, mostly because there is so much incredible variation here. Trying to quantify height and weight into a measure of "health" is highly unhelpful, I think. For instance, my sister is a triathelete and incredibly atheletic. She has a heavier build, though, despite training seven days a week. Her BMI would almost certainly be in the "unhealthy" range, but she's more in shape and active than anyone I know.
@Clarence: Yea RJ is an interesting type. I've seen him described as a post-twink manboy. lol. Whatever! But I'm not sure relying on the software to do the picking is any better. That almost seems creepy, really. Yes, swimmer is a bizarre category. I think it is meant to describe a lean and well toned build (like, you know, professional swimmers) -- but why that gets its own category apart from "Athletic" is beyond me.
Rather than viewing it as evidence of a growing fetish for precision, I'd suggest we can look at 'hwp' as a clumsy expression of gay men's desire to avoid being socially violent in expressing what they're into.
There's a similar (but significantly more problematic) expression "Not into Asians -- no offence" which seems to be doing something similar; it's still offensive but it does indicate at least some thought for how the text might affect secondary audience members.
Yes I think you're right, Daniel. There is something happening here about wanting to avoid hurting others' sensibilities. I think part of the problem is that men of us frame our profiles in terms of the negative -- what we're not into -- rather than what we ARE into. Reversing that trend I think would do much to make hooking up online a bit easier / less offensive.
I suspect HWP works on two levels. First, it invokes a pop cultural (but not an accurate) understanding of the "Golden ratio" to suggest that there is an objective ideal for humanity. Secondly, it implies that anything that strays from this ideal is only desirable as a fetish and that the author is unplagued by paraphilias. In other words: HWP is code for "please be normal so that I can be normal by desiring only normal things."
Why, yes. Quite right.
I'm sorry but what you guys forget is that 1 of 3 are overweight. You all are splitting hairs when you are just fat, thick, etc... When you stop that you will see you will lose pounds and for most of us it ain't that complicated to understand such drop downs. STOP eating all the damn time! It sounds to me as if all of you including the writer has been rejected because of this. Stop eating so much food. Its not necessary and then you will be healthy and "look" good as well. You will live a longer life. Don't substitute food for sex, etc...
Food is addictive when you are lonely stop eating you all are like Alcoholics... The first step is admitting it not bloging about how fat you are and not understanding drop downs on websites. Fix your issues within and you will be attractive to people..
I'm sorry but after reading my comment I have to correct it is 3 of 1 overweight
No wait I was right the first time... U get the point? U can't expect for healthy and attractive people to want you if you don't want yourself. They take care of themselves and naturally looking for some one who doe the same. Regardless of height or wieght, etc.. The fact that you look offle shows them that you don't care/confident/etc about your own well being. Why should they care about yours or have an attraction to you.
If your on "manhunt" don't forget ask me is always there. Allow the dude you want to fuck just ask you and you can put it your own words how now that fat you are and see what they say..