My boyfriend gets a little annoyed when I proclaim that I don't really care much about gay marriage.
I am sorry, I just don't.
The issue that makes my heart race, the reason I crawl out of my crypt every morning and stay in the office way too late, is gay men's health - LGBTI health - and I am frustrated that so much of our community's attention is given over to marriage rights, an issue that has, somehow, been collectively anointed the most important, the most critical (and woe to the ones who dare to criticize this narrow focus), sucking energy - and resources - away from health advocacy.
To all of you who say "we can do both" - prove it!
Of course I think marriage rights are important, and no, I wouldn't turn down a shiny rock on my finger and going to the chapel of love with my honey - legal or not (hint hint darling). But hello, health and well-being is for ALL of us - the marryin' kind and for those of us who organize our loves, lusts, friends and relationships with different models.