Wew-hew! I just got news that I was admitted into The University of Michigan's School of Public Health for their Masters in Public Health program! For all my "Resisting Public Health," this may seem to be an odd choice to some -- but I've got three primary reasons for applying:
1) Ethnographic: If I'm going to "resist" public health -- or offer new strategies for rethinking its goals, strategies, etc -- then I'd better understand how PH folk think.
2) Legitimization: Folks in PH can easily write of my critique if they think I don't know what I'm talking about. Having an MPH will help legitimize my analysis to those within the field.
2) Job Market: And then on the "real world" side of things, having an MPH will make me an even stronger candidate when I (eventually) finish my PhD. Current grad date: 2014. Sigh. That's a long time from now!
Anywho. Just thought I'd share the exciting news!
Congrats on getting in. All of yours reasons all seem sound. And ugh, 2014, I feel for you. I eventually have go back for mine in Higher Ed, which I'm not looking forward to at all.
Also for your 3rd reason I thought this comment would be perfect: http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=1077
Thanks, J! :) Yea 2014 seems like an eternity away. But I'm sure it will come quicker than it seems (at least that's what I tell myself).
lol that cartoon is amazing. Thanks for sharing :)
I hope you'll come crying on my shoulder when you feel your dignity has been abused in class. Alas, that's a feeling I guarantee you'll have, but it will make you stronger, and a much better advocate.
I'm infinitely proud of you, Trevor. You're changing the world. More than you think you are.
Thanks, Bill, for your generous comments :) I'm not sure that getting an MPH is really evidence for my changing the world, but I guess it's something :)
I can't wait to be abused and denigrated by public health educators! It will be a continuation of a lifetime of being made nauseous by PH folks. But I'm lucky to have a strong advocate in the department (the wonderful Mark Padilla), who is actually the reason I ever even considered applying in the first place. So that's helpful!