The media has just been eating up Dan Savage! There was this prominent appearance on Stephen Colbert's show, The Colbert Report. Curious here, he seems to have switched around his position form his much-maligned commentary blaming the 70% of African-Americans who voted for Prop 8 in California (a claim that statistician Nate Silver and others have shown to be inaccurate and misleading). But on his appearance on The Daily Show, he concedes that this is misleading, and also thanks Colbert for pointing out he fact that there are black gay men (who are obscured in the Black vs. Gay analysis). He also here is refocusing his attack on the Mormon Church, an attack he will continue in the next video. Have a watch:
That was one week ago. Now, something interesting happens today when he was on Anderson Cooper, sparring with the homophobic Family Research Council's Tony Perkins. Watch how Perkins baits Savage to try to get him to condemn Black voters. Perkins is furious that protests are happening at Mormon temples across the country, an outcome of the Church overwhelmingly financing the Yes-on-8 campaign in California. Perkins is well aware that public sympathy for Mormons is low (they're portrayed often as polygamist misogynists, rightly or wrongly), and thus protests against them are seen as legitimate. Protests against Black churches, however, would not be as politically palatable. I think Dan realized this in the hours after the massive backlash began after he penned that editorial criticizing Black voters. Watch it all happen on CNN:
I don't know how much I like Dan Savage being the queer representative to the press, but he has certainly fine-tuned his argument on Prop 8. Though now he has seemingly insulted old people, queer and straight.
I have a queer friend who is constantly on my case for not liking Dan Savage. I notice you've referred to him elsewhere as self-hating and being in league with the Andrew Sullivans of the world--I have an instinctive dislike for the man for things like the above, or his continual casual usage of words like "retarded," or his strident declarations that he would never ever want to even be friends with anyone who would dare vote for the Green Party. But my friend seems to think he's some sex-pos savior of mankind, or at least queerkind. I'd love some help making a case against him.
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I don't know how much I like Dan Savage being the queer representative to the press, but he has certainly fine-tuned his argument on Prop 8. Though now he has seemingly insulted old people, queer and straight.
I have a queer friend who is constantly on my case for not liking Dan Savage. I notice you've referred to him elsewhere as self-hating and being in league with the Andrew Sullivans of the world--I have an instinctive dislike for the man for things like the above, or his continual casual usage of words like "retarded," or his strident declarations that he would never ever want to even be friends with anyone who would dare vote for the Green Party. But my friend seems to think he's some sex-pos savior of mankind, or at least queerkind. I'd love some help making a case against him.
BTW, this blog is awesome.
Hey thanks for the kind words! Glad you like the blog. Yes if there is a sex-pos savior, it is not Savage. What a bastard.