Director: Jaymes Thompson
Trevor's Rating: 4 / 5 Stars
My friends and I had been excited about this screening for weeks -- a slasher flick with drag queens? Rock! So we were particularly randy tonight by the time the reel started rolling. We arrived at the Castro theatre a full hour ahead of time -- we were first in line! One of the film's stars, local drag sensation Precious Moments, rolled up in a black limo, attempting to stir up applause from generally confused passersby. Priceless.
I liked a lot about this film. There was camp. There was good bloody gore. There was even a bit of anti-Bush politics thrown in for good measure. We learn for instance that, after being gang banged by 100 Republicans, the crazy innkeeper Helen (played by a deliciously creepy Mari Marks) gives birth to a homicidal, worm-like quasi-human child. That's pretty fucking amazing. But I felt that there was a bit too much back story at times -- it had a tendency to get a bit tedious. And -- although I'll refrain from blowing the movie's ending -- I thought it was pretty lackluster. It seemed as though they kind of just threw the last 20 minutes together without much thought, which is a shame because the rest of the film is generally good popcorn-munchin' entertainment. In any case, the film's been picked up for DVD release -- so do make a point to check it out!
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