Okay, so I'm a bit biased - a friend from college was kicked off of the show tonight. But has anyone else noticed how fucked up the panel's comments are about the gay male dancers? "Honey, you need to butch it up - I don't care if you like boys, girls, rabbits -- whatever!" This from the bitch who works with Hannah Montana.
This show is ridiculously homophobic / sissyphobic. This show is clearly not being the best dancer. It's about being the most feminine woman and the most masculine man. This was embodied in this week's theme "Pimps and Prostitutes." How retrograde! What a fucked up limited view of dance. Dissapointing! Step it Up and Dance -- not even Elizabeth Berkley can save you!
I'm so sad that James was kicked off! He's such an amazing dancer! Robbed! He was robbed!
TREVOR!!!! OMG! I had no idea you had a blog site! I LOVE YOU! And I miss you! Thanx for watching the show! MUAH!
James, my dear - you were *robbed*!!!! Miss you too sug. How things are well post-Bravo!
I found your blog by searching "step it up and dance homophobic". I had such high hopes for this show and have been really disappointed by it. Is the dance world that homophobic? Also weirdly butch-phobic to the ladies -- "don't dance like an angry man". What does that even mean! Oh wait, and racist! "Hip hop isn't my strong point" "Come on, you're black!" Arrgh. Cristal Connors where are you when we need you!?
Ulrike - tell me about it! It's been awful! I really can't speak to the homophobia in the dance world. I certainly know plenty of femme gay men who have happy careers as dancers -- but they're not generally in the world of hip hop / music video-land (which it seems that they're gearing these people up for). There's many styles of dance, obviously, and many communities that go with 'em. But yea. Totally fucked up!
that's funny. i'm sitting here with my boyfriend watching this sorry excuse for a show and we're blown away by how homophobic it is. even after 5 or 6 episodes they're still judging people on "masculinity" as opposed to dancing. it's horrific. i too did a search for Step It Up and Dance and homophobic.