Phew. Okay so apparently you can tell what kind of week I'm having based on the kinds of blog posts I've been throwing up. Let's see here, the past five posts: Bette Midler and Cher in Las Vegas; an episode of Planet Unicorn; Twinkie porn actor photo; new BRAVO dance TV series; and a photo of Israeli Cous-Cous.
In my defense, last week was rough (in part from the weeklong hangover from my illicit activities in San Francisco). But it was also a product of increasing frustration with academia, particularly departmental politics and tenure-track mania (must publish in that journal at this moment or die!!!!). I also got my statistics midterm back Tuesday -- I got a big fat F. And - finally - I've become the latest victim of Seasonal Affective Disorder, which I had never fully believed in until living through this winter. Fuck a duck - this long winter has been *really* depressing! I bought a SADlight online Thursday night. We'll see if it helps!
So in response to it all, I came up with my new motto: "I don't give a fuck." I don't give a fuck about my grades. Who I piss off. What my peers think of me or my research. I don't give a fuck about statistics or the priorities set for me by my departments. All I care about is three little letters: P. h. D. Whatever it takes. PhD. Whatever my GPA. PhD. Whoever thinks I'm an annoying little fucktard. PhD. It doesn't effing matter! P-h-fucking-D!
Phew. I feel better now, thanks!