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2007 Archives


Testing... - 05/25/05 - Trevor

Okay so we're up - 05/25/05 - Trevor

The first real post.... "The Condom Backlash" - 05/26/05 - Trevor

3 Crosses Burned in Durham - 05/26/05 - Trevor

France Votes "Non" on EU Referendum - 05/30/05 - Trevor


Queer as Folk v. The L Word - 06/01/05 - Trevor

Thoughts About White Weddings - 06/05/05 - Trevor

Before Going to Bed, I Caught This Quote and Vomited - 06/06/05 - Trevor

Moments in Training: CTOPS - 06/09/05 - Trevor

Quote of the Moment, Pre-Tarts - 06/09/05 - Trevor

Moments Recounting AP Biology, Fruit Flies - 06/10/05 - Trevor

Barebacking: Silence = Death - 06/11/05 - Trevor

Is Badlands Bad, After All? - 06/16/05 - Trevor

The Advocate: July 19th - 06/19/05 - Trevor

Castro Fun, Apartment Hell! - 06/25/05 - Trevor

Relief in Search, Much Fun @ Night - 06/26/05 - Trevor

The Apartment Search is OVER! - 06/30/05 - Trevor

Spain Steps Out - 06/30/05 - Trevor

I've Got The Marriage Blues - 06/30/05 - Trevor



Amarillo, Texas - 08/01/05 - Trevor

Give Me Some Rice-a-Roni and Call me a Castro Queen - 08/04/05 - Trevor

My Advocate Article is Online - 08/04/05 - Trevor

QAF: The End of an Era - 08/08/05 - Trevor

Bush: Quote of the Day - 08/10/05 - Trevor

"No - I live down Airport Road" - 08/12/05 - Trevor

I can play pool! Well, sord of. - 08/16/05 - Trevor

London Public Execution Inquiry Needed - 08/17/05 - Trevor

The Politics of a Handbag - 08/18/05 - Trevor

Inga Muscio on Columbus Day - 08/19/05 - Trevor

Pat Robertson Calls for Chavez Assasination - 08/24/05 - Trevor

My FIRST Day as a Graduate Student - 08/26/05 - Trevor

Online Racial Power Disparities - 08/28/05 - Trevor




Nomination Nutbag - 11/01/05 - Trevor

Bush's Approval Ratings Take Another Dive: 35% - 11/03/05 - Trevor

Senator Lott Calls ReThugs on Their Shit - 11/08/05 - Trevor

New LAMBDA Article - 11/09/05 - Trevor

Creating Change Conference '05 - 11/14/05 - Trevor

The Worst Speech of Bush's Presidency (Yet) - 11/14/05 - Trevor

RENT: The Movie - 11/23/05 - Trevor

My First Piece of Art! - 11/30/05 - Trevor



This Semester Looks Like... - 01/11/06 - Trevor

Misogyny and Gay Men - 01/22/06 - Trevor

GLBT Historical Society Intern - 01/26/06 - Trevor




Long Time, No Post! - 09/29/06 - Trevor


Site Clean-Up - 10/04/06 - Trevor

"Own It. End It" HIV Campaign in LA - 10/05/06 - Trevor

"AGAINST HEALTH" Conference - 10/13/06 - Trevor

Tidal - 10/24/06 - Trevor

Frustrated with San Francisco - 10/29/06 - Trevor

The Death of Fiscally Conservative Repubs, and the Rise of Libertarian Dems - 10/30/06 - Trevor




My BAR Editorial Lives On - 01/04/07 - Trevor



"Stand With Stanton" Petition - 03/01/07 - Trevor

LGBTI Health Summit - Philadelphia - 03/17/07 - Trevor


The University of Michigan - 04/12/07 - Trevor


Beyond Identity Politics? - 05/19/07 - Trevor


Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don't - 06/18/07 - Trevor

(Bare)ing Our Desires - 06/21/07 - Trevor

Bigger, Longer, and Uncut - 06/22/07 - Trevor

AEGIS Republishes "(Bare)ing Our Desires" - 06/25/07 - Trevor



21 Felch Street! - 08/08/07 - Trevor

Mitt Romney and FUCK YOU, ROM! - 08/13/07 - Trevor

San Francisco, I bid thee adieu - 08/21/07 - Trevor


So Far, So Good! - 09/06/07 - Trevor

Gay Road Trip! - 09/16/07 - Trevor

Phew! New Site Up! - 09/26/07 - Trevor

I'm on a roll! - 09/29/07 - Trevor


The Camera Loves Us? - 10/01/07 - Trevor

Scandalous - 10/01/07 - Trevor

Looks like I'm going to Mexico! - 10/04/07 - Trevor

Toronto = Fabulous - 10/07/07 - Trevor on Trans-Inclusivity - 10/08/07 - Trevor

Susan Stryker Responds on Trans Inclusivity - 10/11/07 - Trevor

New Yawk, New Yawk! - 10/15/07 - Trevor

The Gay Bitch: Here to Stay? - 10/17/07 - Trevor

An Interesting HIV Prevention PSA - 10/18/07 - Trevor

Just a little lullaby - 10/18/07 - Trevor

Dumbledore Likes the Cock - 10/20/07 - Trevor

Cheney and the Penguin: Brothers? - 10/21/07 - Trevor

Um. Wow. - 10/24/07 - Trevor

Longtime Companion, Early AIDS Movies, and Mentorship - 10/25/07 - Trevor

The Gay Bitch: Ugly Betty's Mark as Case Study - 10/25/07 - Trevor

When Socialism Gets Commodified - 10/26/07 - Trevor

What Can YouTube Do For You? - 10/31/07 - Trevor


Chicago and the ManAlive Conference - 11/04/07 - Trevor

You Know You're a Graduate Student When... - 11/05/07 - Trevor

Slides from ManAlive Presentation on Sero-Adaptation Available - 11/05/07 - Trevor

Relative Risk, Revisited - 11/07/07 - Trevor

IRMWG Lube Survey Preliminary Results - 11/08/07 - Trevor

Telugu Condom Education Video - Amazing! - 11/11/07 - Trevor

Male Circumcision on Desperate Housewives - 11/11/07 - Trevor

Project Runway 4 Debut - TONIGHT! - 11/14/07 - Trevor

Washington Blade breaks HIV Incidence Story - 11/14/07 - Trevor

What I'm Thankful For, 2007 - 11/20/07 - Trevor

Reeeeejected! - 11/20/07 - Trevor

Awww! - 11/20/07 - Trevor

Gay Bitch Article Published! - 11/24/07 - Trevor

First Snow! - 11/26/07 - Trevor

Top 10 Amusing Search Strings for My Site - 11/29/07 - Trevor

Accepted! - 11/29/07 - Trevor

Transamerican Love Story - 11/30/07 - Trevor


The Scariest Woman on TV - 12/02/07 - Trevor

Questions of Trans-Inclusion and Identity - 12/03/07 - Trevor

Steam Rising About CDC's HIV Numbers - 12/03/07 - Trevor

On the 12th Day of the Epidemic... - 12/05/07 - Trevor

Sex and the City: The Movie! - 12/06/07 - Trevor

I'm in Mexico! - 12/09/07 - Trevor

Obituary: Allan Berube - 12/13/07 - Trevor

A lovely time in Mexico! - 12/17/07 - Trevor

So Disgusted - 12/18/07 - Trevor

Creating Change Detroit! - 12/19/07 - Trevor

Life Support - 12/19/07 - Trevor

I'm Done! DONE! Wew-hew! - 12/21/07 - Trevor

Bareback Blogging and Long Term Nonprogressors - 12/22/07 - Trevor

Medical Myths that Doctors Believe - 12/28/07 - Trevor


Baby, It's Cold Outside - 01/03/08 - Trevor

Clinton for President! - 01/09/08 - Trevor

Editorial in NY Times on Young Gay Men / HIV - 01/14/08 - Trevor

On My Way Back - 01/20/08 - Trevor


SuperCook: My New Fav Website - 02/01/08 - Trevor

Creating Change '08: Mourning / Celebration - 02/10/08 - Trevor

Michael Kors: The Annoying Guy Who Talks During the Movie - 02/11/08 - Trevor

Making it Work: Mobilizing Lesbian & Gay Identities in the 21st Century - 02/12/08 - Trevor

A Few Cosmetic Changes - 02/12/08 - Trevor

Happy VD. - 02/14/08 - Trevor

Wal-Mart to Carry "WET" Lube! - 02/14/08 - Trevor

Cuntalicious - 02/14/08 - Trevor

University Shooting in Northern Illinois - 02/14/08 - Trevor

Dissapearing Tags in Firefox - 02/14/08 - Trevor

It... Never... Stops... Snowing!!!! - 02/15/08 - Trevor

Where's the Pleasure in Gay Sex? - 02/16/08 - Trevor

Straight Boy in a Gay Bathhouse - 02/16/08 - Trevor

Voila! The New - 02/16/08 - Trevor

On the Staph Debate and the Swiss AIDS Study - 02/17/08 - Trevor

Anti-HIV Microbicide Gel Trial in South Africa Halted - 02/18/08 - Trevor

Coming Soon: The Gayest Podcast in Michigan! - 02/19/08 - Trevor

Preview "The Gayest Podcast in Michigan" Website - 02/20/08 - Trevor

A Preview of "The Making of a Southern Faggot" - 02/21/08 - Trevor

Gay Men's Health Leadership Academy! - 02/22/08 - Trevor

Barebacking and XTube: A Window Into Our Sex Lives - 02/22/08 - Trevor

SF, Here I Come! - 02/22/08 - Trevor

Microsoft Employee Bequeathes $65 Mil to LGBT / HIV Orgs - 02/25/08 - Trevor

Religious Affiliation on the Decline in the US - 02/25/08 - Trevor

San Francisco New Age Crazies - 02/27/08 - Trevor

SFPD: Gay Sex = Basis for Crystal Meth Search Warrant - 02/28/08 - Trevor

Report: More than 1 in 100 US Adults in Jail - 02/28/08 - Trevor

Tonight: The Last Fag Fridays Ever? - 02/29/08 - Trevor


And Now It's Time to Say Goodbye... - 03/02/08 - Trevor

The Gayest Podcast in Michigan - Episode 1: Jackson Bowman - 03/06/08 - Trevor

UNC Student Body President Shot, Killed - 03/07/08 - Trevor

It's 4 AM. I Can't Sleep. And All I Can Think About is... - 03/07/08 - Trevor

OMG - Classmate from UNC on New Bravo Series! - 03/07/08 - Trevor

Saturday is for.... The Candy Spookie - 03/08/08 - Trevor

Planet Unicorn! - 03/08/08 - Trevor

Fall Break 2008: LAS VEGAS, BABY! - 03/10/08 - Trevor

Last Week & My New Motto: "I Don't Give a Fuck" - 03/10/08 - Trevor

Tucker Carlson to be Fired? - 03/10/08 - Trevor

Better Archives are Here! - 03/10/08 - Trevor

The End of The L Word - 03/10/08 - Trevor

Action Alert: MRSA Protest WEDNESDAY at SF Chronicle Office - 03/10/08 - Trevor

"Vatican lists new sinful behaviors" - 03/11/08 - Trevor

Gay Iranian in UK Faces Deportation, Execution - 03/11/08 - Trevor

Camille P on Today's Un-Sexy Hollywood Ladies - 03/11/08 - Trevor

April 4th: Transsexual and Trans Feminine Perspectives on Sexism - 03/12/08 - Trevor

Max and Tom Get it On! - 03/12/08 - Trevor

Miss Jay: The Most Genderqueer Person on TV? - 03/12/08 - Trevor

ANTM's Claire and Julia Styles: Sisters? - 03/12/08 - Trevor

A Very Important Message to Parents About Sex - 03/13/08 - Trevor

South Park: Money Cures AIDS - 03/13/08 - Trevor

Dutch Police: Allow Public Sex in Parks - 03/13/08 - Trevor

Take Action: Queer Nightlife in SF Under Fire - 03/13/08 - Trevor

Sex and the City -- Official Trailer - 03/14/08 - Trevor

South Park AIDS Inaccuracies - 03/14/08 - Trevor

There's Something About the Black Drag Queen... - 03/14/08 - Trevor

21st Century Pride: Use a Condom and Don't Kill Yourself - 03/16/08 - Trevor

Call for Papers: Special Trans Issue of Hypatia - 03/18/08 - Trevor

Gay Men's Health Leadership Academy or Bust! - 03/19/08 - Trevor

Salon: "What's So Funny About Black Men in Dresses?" - 03/21/08 - Trevor

Social Science By and For Idiots - 03/21/08 - Trevor

Gay Men's Health Leadership Academy: Day One - 03/22/08 - Trevor

Gay Men's Health Leadership Academy: Day Two! - 03/23/08 - Trevor

Gay Men's Health Leadership Academy: Day Three! - 03/24/08 - Trevor

Initial Reflections from the Academy - 03/24/08 - Trevor

GMHLA Photos! - 03/25/08 - Trevor

Bottoms for Obama - 03/26/08 - Trevor

Seattle Trans Art Exhibition Vandalized - 03/26/08 - Trevor

E Patrick Johnson: A Southern Treat - 03/28/08 - Trevor

CDC Quietly Releases Data on Black MSM - 03/28/08 - Trevor

"Ditch the Label" Campaign. *Yawn* - 03/29/08 - Trevor

Great New Article on Gay Men, Internet, and Barebacking - 03/31/08 - Trevor

Speaking of Queering Gender... - 03/31/08 - Trevor

Site Stats: Oct 2007 - Mar 2008 - 03/31/08 - Trevor

April Conversations on Race: Part One - 04/01/08 - Trevor

Thomas Beatie - Pregnant Transman - to be on Oprah - 04/02/08 - Trevor Conversations on Race: Part Two - 04/02/08 - Trevor

How Brazil Does HIV Prevention - 04/03/08 - Trevor

Madonna's New Video - 4 Minutes! - 04/04/08 - Trevor

Letterman Calls Pregnant Transman "Androgynous Freak Show" - 04/04/08 - Trevor

Michael Weinstein: Stop AIDS Vaccine Research - 04/04/08 - Trevor

What What (In the Butt) - 04/05/08 - Trevor

"Staying HIV Negative" - Australian Campaign - 04/06/08 - Trevor

"Weak at the Knees" - Another Aussie Example - 04/06/08 - Trevor

CNN Front Page: "Geisha Guys" - 04/07/08 - Trevor

Out "Top 50 Most Influential Gay Men.... and okay women too" - 04/07/08 - Trevor

Beyond Masculinity -- Almost There! - 04/09/08 - Trevor

Onion: Mead Releases Grad-School Lined Notebook - 04/09/08 - Trevor

David Halperin on Gay Men's Health - 04/09/08 - Trevor

Step it Up and Dance: The Most Homophobic Show on TV? - 04/10/08 - Trevor

Detroit With the Boys! - 04/12/08 - Trevor

I'm Tired of Dealing With This Shit - 04/13/08 - Trevor

One Paper Down, One to Go! - 04/15/08 - Trevor

Chicago! - 04/17/08 - Trevor

HIV Prevention Politics in Detroit - 04/17/08 - Trevor

Sex and the City Spoiler! - 04/17/08 - Trevor

Madonna Vacuums, Too! - 04/17/08 - Trevor

Whiny Neighbors - 04/17/08 - Trevor

Earthquake! - 04/18/08 - Trevor

Nasty Replies from AIDS, Inc. - 04/18/08 - Trevor

"'Good' Sex? 'Bad' Sex?" Forum - 04/19/08 - Trevor

A Wicked Evening! - 04/19/08 - Trevor

31 People Shot in Chicago Over Weekend - 04/21/08 - Trevor

Bad Questions to ask a Tranny! - 04/21/08 - Trevor

Gay Men's Health Summit '08: Track on Risk / Prevention? - 04/22/08 - Trevor

Smell Yo' Dick - 04/22/08 - Trevor

No More Statistics! EVER! - 04/23/08 - Trevor

North Carolina: Same-Sex Partners Okay in Hospital Rooms - 04/23/08 - Trevor

Are Cops Ever Guilty? - 04/25/08 - Trevor

This Pains Me to Say (Kylie vs. Madonna)... - 04/25/08 - Trevor

del Toro to Direct "Hobbit" Films - 04/26/08 - Trevor

I'm So Excited (And I Just Can't Hide It) - 04/28/08 - Trevor

Coping with Wine & Trivial Pursuit - 04/29/08 - Trevor

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Bathroom - 04/30/08 - Trevor

Just 4 Fun - 04/30/08 - Trevor


My Beautiful Painting! - 05/01/08 - Trevor

If Only Trojan Could Market Condoms Like This... - 05/01/08 - Trevor

North Carolina, Here I Come! - 05/02/08 - Trevor

Gay Softball! - 05/05/08 - Trevor

My Sister, The Iron Woman! - 05/05/08 - Trevor

Haircut! - 05/06/08 - Trevor

MUST READ: "Killer Gay Sex!" - 05/08/08 - Trevor

Skinny Dipping! - 05/09/08 - Trevor

Birthday Beach Weekend! - 05/11/08 - Trevor

UM Cluster Hire in HIV/AIDS!!! - 05/12/08 - Trevor

DSM-V: Trannies in Danger? - 05/14/08 - Trevor

Gay Marriage in California! - 05/15/08 - Trevor

CNN Front Page on Gay Marriage - 05/15/08 - Trevor

Diane Sabin in the NY Times! - 05/16/08 - Trevor

"Barbra Streisand Professor in Contemporary Gender Studies" - 05/17/08 - Trevor

The Cutest Things I've Ever Fucking Seen - 05/18/08 - Trevor

Beyond Masculinity: Essays by Queer Men on Gender & Politics - 05/19/08 - Trevor

An Attempt at a Media Blitz - 05/19/08 - Trevor

Gay Student Body President @ UNCG - 05/19/08 - Trevor

Go West! - 05/20/08 - Trevor

Made it to San Francisco (Barely) - 05/21/08 - Trevor

Justin from Ugly Betty is Too Cute! - 05/21/08 - Trevor

Indiana Jones @ Midnight! - 05/22/08 - Trevor

Gay Day at Great America! - 05/24/08 - Trevor

Bon Voyage, Boyfriend! - 05/28/08 - Trevor

Three Years of - 05/28/08 - Trevor

"Sex and the City," A Great TV Show... - 05/30/08 - Trevor


Fun Times @ Mitchel's Birthday Party! - 06/01/08 - Trevor

My Prayers Have Been Answered - 06/02/08 - Trevor

Made My Night - 06/03/08 - Trevor

Obama Secures Nomination... Now What? - 06/03/08 - Trevor

1,000,000 Homes in Foreclosure - 06/05/08 - Trevor

Mariners Stadium: "Hey Gays, Quit Kissing" - 06/05/08 - Trevor

A Friend's Song About Homophobia in Schools - 06/09/08 - Trevor

My Life as a Hermit Crab - 06/09/08 - Trevor

North Carolina Governor's School Censorship - 06/10/08 - Trevor

You've Got to Be Fucking Kidding Me - 06/12/08 - Trevor

Crispin on! - 06/12/08 - Trevor

Rebecca Walker Spews Venom - 06/13/08 - Trevor

Chicago or Bust! - 06/13/08 - Trevor

Ban on HIV-Poz Immigration Debated - 06/17/08 - Trevor

Dior's $26,000 Cell Phone -- No, Seriously - 06/17/08 - Trevor

92% of Software Developers Ignoring Windows Vista - 06/17/08 - Trevor

Gay Men's Brains Look Like Straight Ladies' Brains - 06/18/08 - Trevor

Dumped. - 06/19/08 - Trevor

Tennesee Transgender Woman Beaten by Police - 06/19/08 - Trevor

Obama Opts Out of Public Financing - 06/19/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32 Begins TODAY! - 06/19/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32: "The Young and Evil" - 06/20/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32: "The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror" - 06/21/08 - Trevor

Andre + Me = Cute! - 06/21/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32: "Working On It" - 06/22/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32: Cthulhu - 06/22/08 - Trevor

When Will Mugabe's Reign End? - 06/22/08 - Trevor

Frottage as Prevention? - 06/22/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32: "Transtastic" - 06/23/08 - Trevor

Noted Gay Psychotherapist Passes Away - 06/23/08 - Trevor

Goldi-Cocks - 06/23/08 - Trevor

The Gayest Podcast in Michigan - Episode 2a: Troy Wood - 06/23/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32: "Be Like Others" - 06/24/08 - Trevor

Gay Men's Health: What's Next? - 06/24/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32: "XXY" - 06/25/08 - Trevor

Some Progress on Capital Punishment - 06/25/08 - Trevor

A Little Message from Gloria Gaynor - 06/26/08 - Trevor

CDC: HIV Up 8.6% Among Homos, 2001-2006 - 06/26/08 - Trevor

It's Been Two Years - 06/26/08 - Trevor

Fire Island Gays: "Let My People Cum!" - 06/27/08 - Trevor

Trans March '08 - 06/28/08 - Trevor

Frameline 32: "Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!" - 06/29/08 - Trevor

NYT: Expand Democracy in Florida - 06/30/08 - Trevor

Juanita More's 2008 PRIDE Party Extravaganza - 06/30/08 - Trevor

Harlem Shake Burlesque @ Juanita More's Pride Party - 06/30/08 - Trevor

Perez Hilton: Bitter, UnSexed, Conservative. - 06/30/08 - Trevor

July Site Stats: Oct 07 - Jun 08 - 07/01/08 - Trevor

Obama Gaining in Polls - 07/01/08 - Trevor

The Creepiest Ad Ever? - 07/01/08 - Trevor

Trannyshack Goes Broadway! - 07/02/08 - Trevor

Halberstam & Keisling: Grumpy Trannies - 07/03/08 - Trevor

EW's Top 100 Films, 1983-2008 - 07/03/08 - Trevor

IndyWeek's New Piece on GSE Homophobia Controversy - 07/03/08 - Trevor

Burning Up - 07/03/08 - Trevor

The Gayest Podcast in Michigan - Episode 2b: Troy Wood, Ctd. - 07/04/08 - Trevor

"Stuff White People Like" Interview - 07/05/08 - Trevor

Eros Brevis, Amicitia Longa - 07/09/08 - Trevor

Upcoming Forum on Social Marketing, Gay Men's Health - 07/10/08 - Trevor

South Carolina is SO GAY! - 07/11/08 - Trevor

2010 US Census: Gay Marriages Don't Count - 07/13/08 - Trevor

Color Theory 101 - 07/13/08 - Trevor

Dubious Claim of the Week - 07/14/08 - Trevor

Family Beach Fun! - 07/14/08 - Trevor

Roche Suspends HIV Drug Research - 07/15/08 - Trevor

Mass. Senate Votes to Repeal Anti-Gay-Out-of-State-Marriage Law - 07/15/08 - Trevor

Liddy Dole: Rename HIV Aid Bill After... Jesse Helms?!? - 07/16/08 - Trevor

Africa: Genetic Variation Protects Against Malaria, Increases Risk for HIV - 07/16/08 - Trevor

Senate Repeals HIV Travel Ban!!! - 07/17/08 - Trevor

Queer Health Social Marketing Forum Fun! - 07/18/08 - Trevor

Douche Rinehart for Oklahoma City Council - 07/18/08 - Trevor

My Cousin Won a Honeymoon! - 07/19/08 - Trevor

Zimbabwe Introduces $100 Billion Banknote - 07/19/08 - Trevor

I'm Voting Republican - 07/19/08 - Trevor

POZ Mag: "The Worst Kept Non-Secret In Public Health" - 07/19/08 - Trevor

Funniest Warning Sign Ever - 07/21/08 - Trevor

"Golden Girls" Mom Passes Away - 07/22/08 - Trevor

War on Bottoms? - 07/23/08 - Trevor

SF: HRC Dinner Protest THIS Saturday - 07/23/08 - Trevor

SFSU Cohort Reunion! - 07/23/08 - Trevor

"Golden Girls" Marathon to Honor Estelle Getty - 07/23/08 - Trevor

Kaiser to Cover Internat'l AIDS Conference Online - 07/23/08 - Trevor

Viagra May Give Women on Antidepressants Better Orgasms - 07/23/08 - Trevor

Microsoft's New Pro-Vista Ad Campaign - 07/23/08 - Trevor


House Panel Weighs "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - 07/24/08 - Trevor

This Video Will Make You Die (Laughing) - 07/24/08 - Trevor

CNN Feature on Gay Iraqis - 07/24/08 - Trevor

My Wordle - 07/24/08 - Trevor

Brent Corrigan Washing Off - 07/24/08 - Trevor

Desperate McCain Running Sleazy Obama-Castro Ads - 07/24/08 - Trevor

Thoughts on Social Marketing, HIV Prevention - 07/24/08 - Trevor

Funny Spam E-mail of the Day - 07/24/08 - Trevor

Gaycation Kayaking Adventures! - 07/27/08 - Trevor

Gaycation Kayaking, Day Two! - 07/28/08 - Trevor

Gaycation '08 Photo Album - 07/28/08 - Trevor

The Midwest Teen Sex Show on Coming Out - 07/29/08 - Trevor

Dumb Idea of the Year: "STFree Certifications" - 07/29/08 - Trevor

Trailer for 'W' Movie Leaked - 07/29/08 - Trevor

Delta Airlines Double 2nd Bag Fee - 07/29/08 - Trevor

NEW Harry Potter Trailer!!!!!! - 07/30/08 - Trevor

China to Censor Internet Access @ Olympics - 07/30/08 - Trevor

San Francisco Supervisors Ban Cigarrettes @ Pharmacies - 07/30/08 - Trevor

George Michael's Words of Wisdom on the Bathroom Floor - 07/31/08 - Trevor

Hooking Up - 07/31/08 - Trevor


CDC Finally Makes Public HIV Data - 08/02/08 - Trevor

Racial Diversity on Manhunt, Adam4Adam: San Francisco Edition - 08/06/08 - Trevor

Queer Activism Forum Next Wednesday in SF! - 08/06/08 - Trevor

Racial Diversity on Manhunt, Adam4Adam: Atlanta Edition - 08/08/08 - Trevor

Argentinian Sex=Death Campaign - 08/08/08 - Trevor

Speaking of Manhunt... - 08/09/08 - Trevor

NYC: Save the Roxy! Meeting Tuesday! - 08/09/08 - Trevor

Racial Diversity on Manhunt, Adam4Adam: NYC Edition - 08/10/08 - Trevor

What's Wrong With Gay Culture - 08/11/08 - Trevor

Kylie's New Vid: "The One" - 08/11/08 - Trevor

Testing Out A Few Things... - 08/13/08 - Trevor

The LAST Trannyshack EVER - 08/13/08 - Trevor

Manhunt Co-Founder Donates Maximum to McCain - 08/14/08 - Trevor

Jerell and Stella were ROBBED! - 08/14/08 - Trevor

Pelosi Warns Lieberman RE: Obama Attacks - 08/14/08 - Trevor

Video from the Social Marketing / Queer Health Forum - 08/14/08 - Trevor

Manhunt Update: Chairman Jonathan Crutchley Resigns - 08/17/08 - Trevor

"Guyland" Website Up! - 08/17/08 - Trevor

UK Priest: Homosexuality = Demon Possession - 08/18/08 - Trevor

In SF? Get on the Trojan Bus Wednesday - 08/18/08 - Trevor

Hottie of the Day: Adrian - 08/19/08 - Trevor

Packing... - 08/19/08 - Trevor

Me on "Getting it on with Bonnie" - 08/21/08 - Trevor

Advocate to go Monthly, "Get Better Writers." - 08/22/08 - Trevor

Vintage Me: Trevor Through the Ages - 08/26/08 - Trevor

The Wonderful, Amazing, Pioneering Del Martin Dead at 87 - 08/28/08 - Trevor

I Was Meant to be a 1970s Fag - 08/28/08 - Trevor

"Consider this your subpoena, it's time.... to stop doing tina!" - 08/29/08 - Trevor Palin Pick for Veep "Epitome of Tokenism" - 08/30/08 - Trevor

JMG: "Straight Pride Parade: Attendance Zero" - 08/31/08 - Trevor


(Almost) Saw Barack Obama - 09/02/08 - Trevor

Daniel Radcliffe, is that you? - 09/02/08 - Trevor

I Dream of Identity Politics - 09/03/08 - Trevor

"Milk" Trailer! - 09/03/08 - Trevor

Study Refutes MMR Vaccine, Autism Link - 09/04/08 - Trevor

"The Daily Show": The Best Political Analysis on TV? - 09/04/08 - Trevor

ITunes 8.0 to Include Pandora-like Playlist Generator? - 09/07/08 - Trevor

Tokio Hotel = Most Fistable Twinks Ever - 09/07/08 - Trevor

UK Teacher Drunkenly Bets on Living on £1 / Day, for 1 Year. And Wins! - 09/08/08 - Trevor

Infertility: Not Just for Women Anymore! - 09/09/08 - Trevor

"Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization" - 09/11/08 - Trevor

Diane Keaton: "What's up, bitches?" - 09/11/08 - Trevor

Dating Economics - 09/13/08 - Trevor

CDC: Disparities in HIV Seroconversion Between Black, White MSM - 09/13/08 - Trevor

CNN Gay Making Out Fun! - 09/16/08 - Trevor

Sarah Palin Refuses Subpoenas?!?! - 09/17/08 - Trevor

Donate to Planned Parenthood in Honor of Sarah Palin - 09/19/08 - Trevor

Trans Woman Wins Discrimination Case Against Library of Congress - 09/19/08 - Trevor

Personality? "Bitchy." Mannerisms? "Masculine / Butch." Right. - 09/20/08 - Trevor

"The Gay Men's Wellness Construct" @ GHMS, Oct 17-21st, Seattle - 09/20/08 - Trevor

Myth of the Day: Killing Praying Mantis is Illegal - 09/20/08 - Trevor

Bernhard to Palin: "Don't You Touch my Old Testament, You Bitch!" - 09/20/08 - Trevor

Cheney Smackdown: Must Preserve VP Records - 09/20/08 - Trevor

Glenn Greenwald on the $700 Billion Bank Bailout - 09/21/08 - Trevor

Letterman's Top 10 Questions People are Asking McCain - 09/25/08 - Trevor

Canoeing Adventures in Ann Arbor! - 09/26/08 - Trevor

1951? - 09/27/08 - Trevor

Three Questions - 09/28/08 - Trevor

Quotes from People's Profiles: 1st Edition - 09/29/08 - Trevor

Aussie Researcher: Circumcision Protects Gay Tops from HIV - 09/29/08 - Trevor

Cafferty on Sarah Palin - 09/29/08 - Trevor

NC-Sen: Fire Liddy Dole! - 09/29/08 - Trevor

FOX News Debate Focus Group -- Pro-Obama! - 09/30/08 - Trevor

Miley Kicks Gays Out of Disney! - 09/30/08 - Trevor

Who Needs Punxsutawney Phil? - 09/30/08 - Trevor


Sullivan: HIV Travel Ban NOT Repealed - 10/01/08 - Trevor

Site Stats: Jan 08 - Sept 08 - 10/01/08 - Trevor

Couric: "Believe Constitution includes right to privacy?" Palin: "I do. States Decide." - 10/02/08 - Trevor

Quotes from People's Profiles: The Economy - 10/02/08 - Trevor

What Palin Was Thinking... - 10/03/08 - Trevor

Debates Over Bareback Porn: RFD Magazine - 10/03/08 - Trevor

Quotes from People's Profiles: "Str8 Acting" - 10/03/08 - Trevor

My New Favorite Song: Hot Chip, "Ready for the Floor" - 10/03/08 - Trevor

Don't Let The Door Hit You... - 10/04/08 - Trevor

"I Believe Marriage is a Sacred Institution Between Two Unwilling Teenagers" - 10/05/08 - Trevor

NYT: "Racism Without Racists" - 10/06/08 - Trevor

How to Pronounce "Nuclear" - 10/06/08 - Trevor

Them Polls Sure Look Mighty Fine! - 10/07/08 - Trevor

2008 Polling Trends vs. 2000 / 04 Trends - 10/07/08 - Trevor

In SF? Next Wed: "Men's Story Project" - 10/09/08 - Trevor

West Virginia a Toss-Up State?!?! - 10/09/08 - Trevor

Hottie(s) of the Day: Kissing Emo Boys - 10/10/08 - Trevor

Dear Get Your Act Together - 10/10/08 - Trevor

Report: Palin Abused Power - 10/10/08 - Trevor

Betty White -- Still the Best! - 10/11/08 - Trevor

Friends + Parents = Fun! - 10/11/08 - Trevor

Three Fags in a Boat - 10/12/08 - Trevor

Will the Cell Phone Effect Cancel Out The Bradley? - 10/13/08 - Trevor

Chicago to Get "Gay-Friendly" High School - 10/13/08 - Trevor

Salon: Army Lying About Friendly Fire Deaths - 10/14/08 - Trevor

New Study Finds Genetic Link for Baldness - 10/14/08 - Trevor

NYT / CBS Poll: Obama 53, McCain 39 - 10/14/08 - Trevor

Conservative Icon's Son Endorses Obama, Resigns from Nat'l Review - 10/15/08 - Trevor

Quotes from People's Profiles: "You Rock!!" - 10/16/08 - Trevor

In Seattle! - 10/18/08 - Trevor

My Opening Remarks @ GMHS 2008 - 10/19/08 - Trevor

What is Sexual Health? - 10/19/08 - Trevor

"America's Next Top Bottom" - 10/19/08 - Trevor

RIP, Zima - 10/21/08 - Trevor

My Bottom Identity Slides @ GMHS 2008 - 10/21/08 - Trevor

Join the Gay Men's Health Movement @ Ning! - 10/21/08 - Trevor

Twittering From My Bottom Presentation - 10/21/08 - Trevor

Would You Stop to Help? - 10/21/08 - Trevor

Don't Forget to Subscribe! - 10/22/08 - Trevor

Potentially Revolutionary MS Treatment Found - 10/23/08 - Trevor

11 Things You Can Do to Resist Lousy Research - 10/23/08 - Trevor

Outrage! NC DJ Arrested for Having Unprotected Sex (Updated) - 10/23/08 - Trevor

Obama 375; McCain 163 - 10/25/08 - Trevor

GMHS Photos: Gay, Gay, Goose! - 10/25/08 - Trevor

Quotes from People's Profiles: "I Just Stopped Talking to Myself" - 10/26/08 - Trevor

Déshabillez-moi - 10/26/08 - Trevor

Resist "Lazy Structuralism": HIV Prevention as Case Study - 10/27/08 - Trevor

Ads - 10/27/08 - Trevor

Internet is "Series of Tubes" Senator Convicted of Ethics Charges - 10/27/08 - Trevor

Amy Sedaris on Vaginal Cleansing - 10/28/08 - Trevor

CFP: "Lumpen-City: Discourses of Marginality | Marginalizing Discourses" - 10/28/08 - Trevor

Liddy Dole: Down in the Polls, Desperate for Votes - 10/29/08 - Trevor

Counting Calories: Back in Fashion - 10/29/08 - Trevor

The Obama Infomercial - 10/29/08 - Trevor

Open Letter from STOP AIDS RE: Scarce's Critique - 10/30/08 - Trevor

Americans?: Broke. Exxon-Mobil?: $14.8 Billion Quarterly Profit - 10/30/08 - Trevor

Netherlands: 9 Mos Post-Blackout, Surge in Births - 10/30/08 - Trevor

GayCityNews: Police Entrap Men @ NYC Video Stores - 10/30/08 - Trevor

"Joe the Plumber" a No-Show @ McCain Rally - 10/30/08 - Trevor

On San Francisco's "Prop R" and the California Prop System - 10/31/08 - Trevor

10,000 Unique Visitors!!! - 10/31/08 - Trevor

A Little Poem About Bottoming - 10/31/08 - Trevor

Election Night Timeline: What to Expect, When - 10/31/08 - Trevor

CNN Talking Head: "If You Don't Vote, Can't Complain!" - 10/31/08 - Trevor


Q-Notes Responds to Our Criticism - 11/01/08 - Trevor

Palin Prank Called - 11/01/08 - Trevor

The Ruins of Detroit: Michigan Central Station - 11/01/08 - Trevor

Site Stats: Jan 08 - Oct 08 - 11/01/08 - Trevor

My PDF, Interactive Guide to the 2008 Election - 11/02/08 - Trevor

Belle Isle Fountain Photo - 11/03/08 - Trevor

FT8.Com: McCain 1.9% Chance Tomorrow - 11/03/08 - Trevor

Poll Closings Graphic from CNN - 11/04/08 - Trevor

Maddow: Long Lines @ Poll = 21st Century Poll Tax - 11/04/08 - Trevor

2008 Weblog Awards - 11/04/08 - Trevor

Stretching Before You Workout? Bad Idea - 11/04/08 - Trevor

I Voted! I Voted! I Voooooooooooted! - 11/04/08 - Trevor

I Just Got a Homophobic Robocall! - 11/04/08 - Trevor

CNN.Com's Reggie Aqui: What a Hottie! - 11/04/08 - Trevor

Virginia Goes to Obama, It's Over! - 11/04/08 - Trevor

In the Midst of Our Joy, Bad News: Prop 8 - 11/04/08 - Trevor

Minority Rights @ the Ballot Box Lose - 11/05/08 - Trevor

Us Watching Barack's Acceptance Speech Begin - 11/05/08 - Trevor

Obama Supporters Take to the Streets in Ann Arbor - 11/05/08 - Trevor

RE: Dan Savage on Blacks Voting for Prop 8 - 11/05/08 - Trevor

CNN: 27% of Self-ID LGB Voted McCain - 11/06/08 - Trevor

The Hypocrisy of "Small Goverment" Conservativism - 11/06/08 - Trevor

North Carolina: Officially A Blue State!!!! - 11/06/08 - Trevor

As Economy Improves, Gas Prices to Rise Again - 11/07/08 - Trevor

Rumblings of Another March on Washington - 11/07/08 - Trevor

Genetic Breakthrough for HIV? - 11/08/08 - Trevor

One of these things is not like the other... - 11/08/08 - Trevor

Gaycation on Lake Huron, MI - 11/09/08 - Trevor

What's New in Gay Sex: "Aged Cum" - 11/09/08 - Trevor

Question of the Day - 11/10/08 - Trevor

Boycott Utah! - 11/10/08 - Trevor

Rachel Maddow Chimes in on Blacks / Prop 8 - 11/10/08 - Trevor

Bush: Now More Unpopular than Nixon - 11/10/08 - Trevor

Identity Politics at its Worst: Oppression Olympics - 11/12/08 - Trevor

$700B Bailout Plan Shifts: Not What We Signed Up For? - 11/12/08 - Trevor

Ann Arbor Marriage Equality March Saturday - 11/12/08 - Trevor

And a Detroit Rally, Too - 11/13/08 - Trevor

Media Love Affair With Dan Savage - 11/13/08 - Trevor

Join the Impact TODAY! - 11/15/08 - Trevor

Photos from Ann Arbor's Marriage Protest! - 11/15/08 - Trevor

Everything's Coming Up Roses! - 11/15/08 - Trevor

Video from Today's Gay Marriage Rally in Michigan! - 11/16/08 - Trevor

It's Official: Winter is Here - 11/16/08 - Trevor

"It's Okay to be Gay" - 11/16/08 - Trevor

HoppeVlog #1: Post-Marriage-March Excitement! - 11/16/08 - Trevor

SoVo: Bottom Bias in Gay Culture - 11/17/08 - Trevor

Chris Bartlett Reviews "Milk" - 11/17/08 - Trevor

Call to Action: 2009 LGBTI Health Summit in Chicago! - 11/17/08 - Trevor

Queer Person Murdered in NY: Trans? Gay? - 11/17/08 - Trevor

Sullivan: Defund, Restructure HRC - 11/17/08 - Trevor

AK, MN Senate Recounts Moving Forward - 11/18/08 - Trevor

Markos @ DailyKos Extends Sullivan's Critique - 11/18/08 - Trevor

Quote of the Day - 11/18/08 - Trevor

Obama's 8-Point Plan for LGBT People - 11/19/08 - Trevor

SNL's "Gay Minstrel Show" - 11/19/08 - Trevor

M&M'S: "Gay Family" = Obscenity - 11/19/08 - Trevor

Stem Cells Used to Rebuild Woman's Trachea - 11/19/08 - Trevor

Testing the Lieberman Effect - 11/19/08 - Trevor

Douche of the Day: Chuck Norris - 11/19/08 - Trevor

Whuzzitmean?: "Discrete. UB2" - 11/19/08 - Trevor

Project Runway's Legal Woes Keep it Off-Air - 11/20/08 - Trevor

AARP Insurance? Not Fabulous - 11/20/08 - Trevor

Study: Christian Right "Stymied" HIV Research - 11/20/08 - Trevor

Some Humor RE: Students and Lying - 11/20/08 - Trevor

Thursday is my Friday, Baby! :) - 11/20/08 - Trevor

No Doubt is Back! - 11/22/08 - Trevor

Indonesia: Implact Microchips in HIV-Positive Citizens - 11/24/08 - Trevor

Will Fly for Turkey - 11/26/08 - Trevor

Family Humor of the Day - 11/26/08 - Trevor

"Young Bottoms in Love" - 11/30/08 - Trevor

My Blog = "Pornography" - 11/30/08 - Trevor

My Methods Submission to "Lumpen-City" - 11/30/08 - Trevor

"BlacksOnBoys": The Construction of Black Masculinity (Vs. White Femininity) in Gay Porn - 11/30/08 - Trevor


Onion: "Study Finds Link Between Red Wine, Letting Mother Know What You Really Think" - 12/02/08 - Trevor

Fuck You, Details Magazine! - 12/02/08 - Trevor

Stock Market Changes, 1825 - 2008 - 12/02/08 - Trevor

Study: Low Desirability --> Riskier Sex - 12/03/08 - Trevor

The Bottom Monologues: Coming Soon - 12/04/08 - Trevor

Thieves in Drag Steal $100M of Jewelery - 12/05/08 - Trevor

Why I'm Glad to be a Grad Student - 12/05/08 - Trevor

Prop 8: The Musical - 12/05/08 - Trevor

Ratings - 12/07/08 - Trevor

CD of the Moment: Sam Sparro - 12/07/08 - Trevor

"The Bottom Monologues": Submit Today!!!! - 12/08/08 - Trevor

Working Out, or, "What happens to twinks when they hit 25?" - 12/08/08 - Trevor

Illinois Governor Arrested for Trying to Sell Obama's Senate Seat - 12/09/08 - Trevor

Vote Tally Disparities: FOX News the Worst - 12/09/08 - Trevor

Merry XMAS: Own a Piece of Ground Zero Memorial - 12/09/08 - Trevor

Jon Stewart vs. Huckabee RE: Gay Marriage - 12/10/08 - Trevor

Brazil: Police Officer May be Serial Killer of Gays - 12/10/08 - Trevor

2008: 14-Year Low in Executions - 12/11/08 - Trevor

14 Year-Old Accused in King Murdered Ruled Competent for Trial - 12/11/08 - Trevor

Bizarre. - 12/11/08 - Trevor

Research: HIV Transmissions Rates Dropping; CDC: Yes, But....! - 12/11/08 - Trevor

Shoes Hurled @ Bush in Iraq - 12/15/08 - Trevor

Slowly out of my cave - 12/17/08 - Trevor

Positional Identity on Manhunt, Adam4Adam: SF Edition - 12/18/08 - Trevor

Neoliberalism + HIV = Rational Sexual Choice - 12/20/08 - Trevor

A XMAS Forecast I'm Excited About... - 12/20/08 - Trevor

Fierce. Hot. Mess. - 12/21/08 - Trevor

The Best XMAS Song Ever? - 12/21/08 - Trevor

So. Fucking. Cold. - 12/21/08 - Trevor

Brrr... What I Need Right Now - 12/21/08 - Trevor

Happy Christmas! - 12/25/08 - Trevor

The Gays Will Miss You, Eartha - 12/26/08 - Trevor

XMAS Greetings, from Sunny NC - 12/29/08 - Trevor

It's a Small Gay World (Or, Color Purple Cast Takes on Single Ladies) - 12/30/08 - Trevor

Zune2K - 12/31/08 - Trevor

Viacom vs. TimeWarner - 12/31/08 - Trevor

SF: Castro Affordable AIDS Housing Moves Forward - 12/31/08 - Trevor


Seattle: Terrorists Threaten 11 Gay Bars - 01/07/09 - Trevor

Quotes from People's Profiles: Assholery - 01/07/09 - Trevor

Tony's First Column: "Sex and the Sojourner" - 01/09/09 - Trevor

About Last Night... - 01/11/09 - Trevor

New Research: Virginity Pledges Still Don't Work - 01/13/09 - Trevor

OMFG - 01/14/09 - Trevor

God Bless Mae West - 01/15/09 - Trevor

Lagerfeld - 01/18/09 - Trevor

Hot Tubbin', Round Deux - 01/19/09 - Trevor

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. (Or, How I'm Getting Old.) - 01/19/09 - Trevor

I Love Jesus, But... - 01/19/09 - Trevor

Barack's Big Day! - 01/20/09 - Trevor

WTF was that poem? - 01/20/09 - Trevor

And Here They Are - 01/20/09 - Trevor

21st Century Transition - 01/20/09 - Trevor

Adios, Douche Bag! - 01/20/09 - Trevor

To Chicago! - 01/23/09 - Trevor

ABC Squashes Ugly Betty - 01/26/09 - Trevor

Patti LuPone Freaks Out - 01/26/09 - Trevor

Photo Shoot, For Realz - 01/26/09 - Trevor

Anti-Abortion Anti-Racist Political Cooptation - 01/26/09 - Trevor

God Bless Gay Weathermen - 01/28/09 - Trevor

Celine on Crack - 01/30/09 - Trevor


What's New in Gay Sex: "Looking 4 Generou$" - 02/02/09 - Trevor

A Little Love in the Gay Bay! - 02/02/09 - Trevor

Super Bowl Pornage - 02/02/09 - Trevor

Positional Identity on Manhunt, Adam4Adam: NYC Edition - 02/03/09 - Trevor

Getting it on with... Jackson Bowman! - 02/03/09 - Trevor

"Life is Short... Have an Affair" - 02/03/09 - Trevor

Headline of the Day: "Healthy Kidney Removed Through Donor's Vagina" - 02/03/09 - Trevor

CCR5 Gene Therapy Trial Kicks Off - 02/04/09 - Trevor

Study: Sucking Poz Dick Builds HIV Resistance - 02/06/09 - Trevor

LGBTI Health Summit Website Launches - 02/06/09 - Trevor

San Francisco Treat! - 02/07/09 - Trevor

Me and Loretta Devine!!!! - 02/10/09 - Trevor

Mika in the Studio!!!! - 02/15/09 - Trevor

Michigan Mall to Armani X: Remove AIDS Heart - 02/17/09 - Trevor

Ron Gonzalez, Gay Men's Health Activist, Dies in Continental Crash - 02/17/09 - Trevor

In Mexico City! - 02/21/09 - Trevor

The Taste of a Hamburger, Post-Attempted-Armed-Robbery - 02/26/09 - Trevor

SF Memorial for Martin Delaney - 02/28/09 - Trevor


"You're Gonna Love My Nuts" - 03/01/09 - Trevor

When the Dryer Breaks... - 03/02/09 - Trevor

Guide Magazine Feature of My Work! - 03/02/09 - Trevor

Quote of the Day: Minnich, "Partial Knowledge" - 03/03/09 - Trevor

Queer Theory Soup - 03/03/09 - Trevor

Fisting, Poetically - 03/03/09 - Trevor

Speaking of Butler... - 03/03/09 - Trevor

Bottoms of Color: We Need to Hear From You! - 03/03/09 - Trevor

Mobilizing a Community to Action -- Harvey Milk's Vision - 03/03/09 - Trevor

What Condom Commercials Could Look Like... - 03/03/09 - Trevor

Eric Leven's Recent Barebacking Video: "Why are we..." - 03/03/09 - Trevor

Têtu Article on Tops & Bottoms With My Interview - 03/04/09 - Trevor

My No Doubt Tickets!!!! - 03/04/09 - Trevor

I'm thrilled that... - 03/04/09 - Trevor

Jon Stewart Skewers CNBC - 03/05/09 - Trevor

Report: Stigma Drives Poz Guys' Risk-Taking - 03/07/09 - Trevor

Who Killed Jenny Schecter? - 03/08/09 - Trevor

What I Believe as an Activist-Researcher - 03/09/09 - Trevor

Obama Overturns Bush Stem Cell Ban - 03/09/09 - Trevor

The Logic of Public Health - 03/09/09 - Trevor

Obama Rejects Bush's Signing Statements - 03/09/09 - Trevor

Lady Gaga on Making Music - 03/09/09 - Trevor

Tony Valenzuela's "Darkroom Safety Tips" - 03/11/09 - Trevor

"Resisting Public Health: Working Within the Gay Men's Health Movement to Produce Change" Slides - 03/16/09 - Trevor

New Laser Kills Millions of Mosquitos in Minutes - 03/17/09 - Trevor

I'm In! - 03/17/09 - Trevor

How Do I Trust Again?: Love, Betrayal, and Moving On - 03/17/09 - Trevor

Need Help RE: "The Sociology of Sexuality" - 03/20/09 - Trevor

Some Sexuality-Related Movies, Books, Essays, and Articles - 03/22/09 - Trevor

The Golden Girls Lesbianism - 03/22/09 - Trevor

It's Very Strange... - 03/22/09 - Trevor

On Newspapers Closing, Technology, and Apocalypse - 03/23/09 - Trevor

Jesus Riding Dinosaurs - 03/23/09 - Trevor

God Bless Wesley Crusher - 03/23/09 - Trevor

Site Traffic... - 03/24/09 - Trevor

Breaking Condoms - 03/24/09 - Trevor

Warning: Fraudulent HIV Prevention Group Seeking Donations - 03/25/09 - Trevor

Study: How Do Gay Men Define "Bareback"? - 03/27/09 - Trevor

My Grandma Thinks I Have a Twin... in a Country Music Band - 03/28/09 - Trevor


A Draft of my "Sociology of Sexuality" Syllabus - 04/01/09 - Trevor

Why are Hate Crimes Worse Than Other Crimes? - 04/01/09 - Trevor

Idiot of the Day: Roland Martin - 04/01/09 - Trevor

EHarmony Launces it's Forced Gay Wing - 04/02/09 - Trevor

Flashback of the Day: "Ironic" - 04/02/09 - Trevor

Iowa Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban - 04/03/09 - Trevor

White House to Announce HIV Awareness Campaign Tomorrow - 04/06/09 - Trevor

The Most Ridiculous French Song Ever - 04/06/09 - Trevor

My Weekend in Moving Photos - 04/06/09 - Trevor

Marriage Drama! Vermont Overrides Veto! Iowa Senate Leader Refuses to Co-Sponsor Anti-Gay Bill! - 04/07/09 - Trevor

On the Perils of Spellcheck... - 04/07/09 - Trevor

A Few Items... - 04/08/09 - Trevor

THIS Was All They Could Come Up With? White House Releases New HIV Campaign - 04/08/09 - Trevor

When Will Marriage Bans Fail? - 04/08/09 - Trevor

The American Idol Everygay's Blogging About - 04/08/09 - Trevor

Homophobic Ad Campaign: "A Storm is Gathering" - 04/08/09 - Trevor

Transcript: Thom Hartmann vs. NOM's Brian Brown - 04/10/09 - Trevor

"Protect Your Valuables" Quebec Condom Campaign - 04/10/09 - Trevor

How to Host A Circlejerk Party - 04/10/09 - Trevor

My LGBTI Health Summit Proposals - 04/10/09 - Trevor

What's New in Gay Sex?: "Natural" - 04/11/09 - Trevor

Radical Sex vs. Progressive: Ideas? - 04/11/09 - Trevor

Amazon's Homophobic Censorship - 04/12/09 - Trevor

It's Update Season! - 04/14/09 - Trevor

The Smartest Thing I've Read All Week: Social vs. Cultural Constructionism - 04/14/09 - Trevor

I Dreamed a Dream - 04/15/09 - Trevor

My Book Reviews Published! - 04/16/09 - Trevor

"My God, If I Would Have Seen His Picture Earlier, I Would've Been an Essentialist!" - 04/16/09 - Trevor

Ch-Ch-Changes! - 04/17/09 - Trevor

On the Perils of Sleep-Tanning - 04/17/09 - Trevor

Internet Panic - 04/18/09 - Trevor

Fraudulent HIV Group Harrassment - 04/18/09 - Trevor

US Boycotts UN Anti-Racism Conference (And Other Thoughts on Israel) - 04/19/09 - Trevor

Frank Rich Mocks "A Storm is Gathering" - 04/19/09 - Trevor

Recuperating "Heteronormativity": It's Not *Just* About Heterosexuals! - 04/20/09 - Trevor

Coming Soon: Contributors - 04/22/09 - Trevor

Introducing... Jackson! - 04/22/09 - Trevor

Thanks Trevor! - 04/23/09 - Jackson B.

Fascism in America: University of Michigan to Become "Smoke-Free" - 04/23/09 - Trevor

Friend and activist Dan Cusick - 04/23/09 - Jackson B.

I love you - 04/23/09 - Jackson B.

Christian Student Group at Cornell Cans Gay Leader - 04/24/09 - Trevor

Actress Bea Arthur Dies at 86 - 04/25/09 - Jackson B.

Just Cruisin' - 04/26/09 - Trevor

Bea Arthur & Rock Hudson Duet - 04/26/09 - Trevor


Christina Aguilera Fans Crashed My Blog - 05/10/09 - Trevor

It's My Birthday! - 05/11/09 - Trevor

Quotes from People's Profiles: "Need a Lawyer" - 05/12/09 - Trevor

MI: Book Fair to Support Affirmations in Royal Oak - 05/12/09 - Trevor

Journey to the Center of an Essay Mill - 05/12/09 - Trevor

Support Lifting the Syringe Ban Today! - 05/12/09 - Trevor

"Lost in the Meritocracy" - 05/12/09 - Trevor

What a Difference Some Paint Can Make... - 05/12/09 - Trevor

MS Word: Knowledge Can't be Plural! - 05/12/09 - Trevor

NY House Passes Marriage Bill - 05/12/09 - Trevor

Study: 68% Of New MSM HIV Infections from Primary Partners - 05/13/09 - Trevor

Mika's Not-So-Secret Gig - 05/14/09 - Trevor

Craigslist Caves to Moral Panic, Closes "Erotic Services" Board - 05/14/09 - Trevor

New Pet Shop Boys - 05/14/09 - Trevor

Twitter Sign-In - 05/14/09 - Trevor

User Profiles - 05/15/09 - Trevor

My Kylie Minogue Tickets!!!! - 05/15/09 - Trevor

French Court quashes the ban on poppers! - 05/16/09 - Rostom

Poppers 101 - 05/16/09 - Trevor

French Government removes transgenderism from list of mental disorders ! - 05/16/09 - Rostom

Russia Arrests Gay Activists - 05/16/09 - Trevor

The Ethics of Publishing Potentially Stigmatizing Data on Minorities - 05/16/09 - Trevor

Have You Registered? - 05/18/09 - Trevor

Why I Loathe San Savage - 05/18/09 - Trevor

Ugly Betty's Ana Ortiz Speaks Out For Marriage - 05/18/09 - Trevor

ABC Cancels Samantha Who? - 05/18/09 - Trevor

CFP: LA Queer Studies Conference (Oct '09) - 05/18/09 - Trevor

A Typical Case of Sex Panic in Paris - 05/18/09 - Rostom

ACLU: Minnesota Rejects Real ID Act - 05/19/09 - Trevor

My First Day On MI "MSM Strategic Planning Committee" - 05/19/09 - Trevor

"Get Betty White a F***ing Cup of Coffee!" - 05/19/09 - Trevor

When I Think About You, I Cut Myself... - 05/20/09 - Trevor

"Hypothetical Scenario of Universal Testing and Immediate ART in South Africa" - 05/20/09 - Trevor

Audio of My LumpenCity "Resisting Public Health" Presentation - 05/20/09 - Trevor

"The Golden Girls" in San Francisco! - 05/20/09 - Trevor

Hey y'all! - 05/21/09 - Scott

Quote of the Day - 05/22/09 - Trevor

Think U Can Dance Judge: Not Homophobia, Sissyphobia! - 05/24/09 - Trevor

Juanita More's 2009 Pride Party: GET READY, BITCHES! - 05/24/09 - Trevor

My 2009 Frameline LGBT Film Festival Picks - 05/24/09 - Trevor

Were you involved in early SF or Berkeley GLF? - 05/25/09 - Rostom

Tomorrow: Day of Decision Rallies - 05/25/09 - Trevor

Disco Heat - 05/25/09 - Trevor

Prop 8 Protests, Arrests Begin - 05/26/09 - Trevor

Daddies: Gay Erotic Stories - 05/26/09 - Scott

What's Your Bear Code? - 05/26/09 - Trevor

"The Trick" - 05/27/09 - Scott

Mark Moford: "The Big Gay Shrug" - 05/28/09 - Trevor

To Everyone Who Is Demanding Lambert Come Out... - 05/28/09 - Trevor

"Everyone in Favor of Dissolving the Gunderson Marriage..." - 05/28/09 - Trevor

Research FAIL: Survey of Craigslist Top/Bottom Ads - 05/28/09 - Trevor

Gaga *Kills* It! - 05/28/09 - Trevor

Hookups are not meaningless (And other thoughts on sex) - 05/29/09 - Trevor

So I Went to Taco Bell Last Night... - 05/29/09 - Trevor

My Blog's Four Years Old! - 05/29/09 - Trevor

HPV confessional - 05/31/09 - Scott


How did I get here? - 06/01/09 - Daniel Reeders

Bruno Face-Dicks Eminem - 06/01/09 - Trevor

What's New in Gay Sex?: "Looking for Masculine" - 06/01/09 - Trevor

Reality Check: Late Term Abortions - 06/02/09 - Trevor

Lifelube: "How is Trevor Hoppe Healthy?" - 06/02/09 - Trevor

Input Needed: Guide to Hooking Up Online - 06/02/09 - Trevor

Harvard to endow chair in LGBT studies - 06/03/09 - Scott

Drafting My Hookup Guide: "Openings" Section - 06/04/09 - Trevor

Dumb Research 101: "Marriage Bans --> Rise in HIV" - 06/05/09 - Trevor

Manhunt Publishes Top/Bottom/Vers Data - 06/05/09 - Trevor

Treating HPV - 06/08/09 - Scott

Israeli Youth Rail Against Obama - 06/10/09 - Trevor

Colbert Clobbers "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - 06/10/09 - Trevor

Study Explores Extrasexual Reasons for Men Not Using Condoms - 06/10/09 - Trevor

New CDC Oral Sex Fact Sheet (And HIV in Chicago) - 06/10/09 - Scott

Gay Marriage Support by State, 1994-2009: Tipping Point? - 06/12/09 - Trevor

National March on Washington a Go! - 06/14/09 - Trevor

Article RE: Sissyphobia & Gay Men - 06/16/09 - Trevor

Stop AIDS leadership development retreat - 06/16/09 - Jackson B.

Dear Trevor, - 06/16/09 - Jackson B.

Need an iPod? - 06/16/09 - Trevor

Salon: Student Loans --> Educated Working Poor - 06/16/09 - Trevor

Betty White vs. Chelsea Lately - 06/16/09 - Trevor

NYT Pressures Obama RE: DOMA - 06/16/09 - Trevor

Shoop. Shoop, ba-doop - 06/16/09 - Trevor

Long Island Wants to Secede... - 06/16/09 - Trevor

Cumming the Fragrance - 06/17/09 - Scott

Gold Pants Dance - 06/17/09 - Trevor

FDA: Zicam May Destroy Sense of Smell - 06/18/09 - Trevor

On What's Happening in Iran... - 06/18/09 - Trevor

"The unbearable lightness of Lauren Conrad" - 06/19/09 - Trevor

Rope yoga - 06/19/09 - Scott

Chris White: "Why I'm Such an Angry Faggot" - 06/19/09 - Trevor

Effing Disgusting: Woman Fined $1.9 Million for Downloading 24 Songs - 06/19/09 - Trevor

VBlog - 06/20/09 - Scott

My SF Pride Forecast - 06/21/09 - Trevor

To all the gay daddies - 06/21/09 - Scott

Ben Goldacre: Drugs Ain't So Bad - 06/22/09 - Trevor

San Francisco, Here I Come! - 06/23/09 - Trevor

On SF Housing Costs - 06/23/09 - Trevor

"How do I keep things casual with e tricks who want more without hurting their feelings?" - 06/24/09 - Scott

Gina? Orangina? Vagina? ONGINA! - 06/25/09 - Jackson B.

Call for questions - 06/25/09 - Scott

Frameline 33: "Global Queers" - 06/25/09 - Trevor

Frameline 33: "Swiss Treats" - 06/25/09 - Trevor

Everywhere I go, every smile I see - 06/26/09 - Scott

Frameline 33: "Light Gradient" - 06/26/09 - Trevor

Frameline 33: "Transtastic!" - 06/26/09 - Trevor

HRC Ad in Castro Politically Defaced - 06/27/09 - Trevor

Frameline 33: "Straightlaced: How Gender's Got Us All Tied Up" - 06/28/09 - Trevor


New Unemployment Data... Ouch - 07/03/09 - Trevor

No Doubt TONIGHT! - 07/03/09 - Trevor

Update: Live from the Palace of Auburn Hills - 07/03/09 - Scott

"Please tell the Internets how to talk dirty!!?" - 07/04/09 - Scott

Roman MSMs - 07/06/09 - Trevor

The View From My Parents' Back Porch - 07/06/09 - Trevor

Unreleased GaGa Demo - 07/07/09 - Trevor

Creepy: Bleeding Billboard in New Zealand - 07/07/09 - Trevor

Submit Your Anonymous Question to "The View From the Bottom" Vlog! - 07/07/09 - Trevor

Google Continues March Towards Global Domination With Operating System - 07/08/09 - Trevor

OMG: Catholic Church Selling Pro-Gay, Suspended Priest's Desk - 07/08/09 - Trevor

"I'm having a really strong obsession with clothing found in sex shops. I would venture to say that all that clothing was designed by gay men" - 07/08/09 - Trevor

The best worst "art" of the 2009 AA Art Fair - 07/16/09 - Scott

Everybody Goes to Hollywood - 07/18/09 - Trevor

Mmm, refreshing! - 07/20/09 - Jackson B.

"I'm afraid of getting performance anxiety with this really hot FTM bottom." - 07/20/09 - Scott

I heart my friends. For realz. - 07/21/09 - Trevor

We Met Calpernia Addams!!!! - 07/22/09 - Trevor

The Way Weddings Should Be - 07/24/09 - Trevor

Questions for a Trans Bottom? - 07/24/09 - Trevor

Size Queens, Take Note: Manhunt Adds Dick Size! - 07/25/09 - Trevor

Coming Soon: The View From the Bottom, Ep4 - 07/25/09 - Trevor

New Manhunt features - 07/26/09 - Scott

Madonna's New Single, "Celebration" - 07/27/09 - Trevor

Kathy Griffin delivers humor to Prop 8 - 07/28/09 - Scott

Coit Tower Adventures! - 07/28/09 - Trevor

In SF? The Barney's Warehouse Sale Starts TODAY! - 07/30/09 - Trevor

Madonna's New Single, Full HQ - 07/30/09 - Trevor

"If bottoms are expert cocksuckers, shouldn't tops be expert rimmers?" - 07/30/09 - Scott


Lazy Bear, 2009! - 08/02/09 - Trevor

GaGa on Gays: "Cause I love them so much. Cause they don't ask me questions like that. Cause they love sexaul, strong women who speak their mind." - 08/02/09 - Trevor

7:30 AM: Urgent Care. 4:30 PM: Barney's Warehouse Sale. - 08/05/09 - Trevor

Shapshot: my new building - 08/06/09 - Scott

"When you have bi-curious sex, are you a top, a bottom, or a vers?" - 08/06/09 - Scott

HIV Panic, Redux - 08/06/09 - Trevor

Snapshot: bedazzled street sign - 08/08/09 - Scott

Men Who Bareback Should Be Made Partners in Health Promotion, Not Banished - 08/10/09 - Tony Valenzuela

Needles Jones performs in Philadelphia - 08/11/09 - Scott

The LGBTI Health Summit is HERE! - 08/13/09 - Trevor

Thinking about racist jokes / what blackness has meant to me as a white gay man - 08/15/09 - Scott

LGBTI Health Summit Festivities! - 08/17/09 - Trevor

"Is Trevor Hoppe Gay?" - 08/19/09 - Trevor

Risky Business - 08/19/09 - Daniel Reeders

IKEA: Honor My Warranty! - 08/23/09 - Trevor

Sadness When I Expected Anger: On Public Health and Gay Men - 08/23/09 - Trevor

"Do You Ever Fantasize About Topping a Top?" - 08/24/09 - Trevor

IKEA Will Not Honor My Warranty - 08/25/09 - Trevor

Study: Circumcision Does NOT Protect Against HIV for Gay Men - 08/26/09 - Trevor

Scissor Sisters in the Studio! - 08/27/09 - Trevor

Trailer for Michael Moore's Latest, Capitalism: A Love Story - 08/27/09 - Trevor

Jackson and I Are Going To Be On LOGO! - 08/27/09 - Trevor

Castro Bar "Moby Dick" Owner Dead, 41 - 08/27/09 - Trevor

LGBT Activists React to Kennedy's Passing - 08/27/09 - Trevor

This Blog Needs a Name - 08/27/09 - Trevor

Thinking about racist jokes (again) - 08/27/09 - Scott

Kylie Wants to Chiggy Wiggy Witchu - 08/28/09 - Trevor

Whoa. Sputtering Crazy on FOX News - 08/29/09 - Trevor

Jake Shears: Drugs, Sex, Music in Berlin - 08/31/09 - Trevor

trevorade: A bit of a facelift! - 08/31/09 - Trevor

God Bless Gay Men's Creativity - 08/31/09 - Trevor


New Madonna Video -- "Celebration" - 09/01/09 - Trevor

Keith Olbermann on the Sputtering Crazy Glenn Beck - 09/01/09 - Trevor

Jim Pickett to Marriage-Focused Movement: "Say I Do to LGBTI Health" - 09/03/09 - Trevor

Allow me to introduce myself / deja me presento - 09/03/09 - Nolberto González

Study Reveals Two Antibodies That Prevent HIV From Causing AIDS - 09/04/09 - Trevor

SF Bay Bridge Replacement WebCam - 09/04/09 - Trevor

The Ultimate Emo-Twink-Queen - 09/06/09 - Trevor

A New View from the Bottom Coming Soon - 09/06/09 - Trevor

Vogue Evolution Exits the Stage - 09/07/09 - Trevor

TVFTB - Ep7 - "Does the Cock Erase the Face?" - 09/07/09 - Trevor

Original Plumbing - 09/08/09 - Jackson B.

"I" - 09/08/09 - Jackson B.

A Harrowing Tale of Gay Bashing from... Canada - 09/08/09 - Trevor

SFDPH: HIV-Poz Should Get H1N1 Vaccine - 09/08/09 - Trevor

My First Day as a Public Health Student! - 09/08/09 - Trevor

From "Tom of Finland" to "Abercrombie and Fitch" -- Or, Did AIDS Radically Restructure Gay Masculinity? - 09/08/09 - Trevor

Following Up RE: Gay Masculinities - 09/09/09 - Trevor

Okcupid doesn't do it for me - 09/09/09 - Scott

Movable Type Upgrade Tonight... (Updated) - 09/09/09 - Trevor

Obama Calls Out Republican Talking Point Lies - 09/09/09 - Trevor

Heckler at Obama Speech Under Fire - 09/09/09 - Trevor

American Idol's New Judge is... Ellen DeGeneres? - 09/09/09 - Trevor

Kim Cattrall Channels the 80s for SaTC - 09/09/09 - Trevor

The Bizarreness of Learning Public Health... - 09/10/09 - Trevor

A Message from a Femme Top for Trevorade Readers! - 09/11/09 - Trevor

Shawn Syms Takes on Hitler AIDS Campaign - 09/11/09 - Trevor

RIP: Energy 92.7 FM, SFO's Gay Dance Music Radio Station - 09/11/09 - Trevor

Onion: Americans Observe 9/11 by Not Masturbating - 09/12/09 - Trevor

SF Latino MSM Action Plan - 09/12/09 - Jackson B.

A Whole New World... - 09/12/09 - Trevor

Kanye's Outburst @ VMAs - 09/13/09 - Trevor

"Might Like You Better" - 09/14/09 - Scott

What's New in Gay Sex?: "Height / Weight Proportionate" - 09/14/09 - Trevor

Patrick Swayze, 57, Dead of Pancreatic Cancer - 09/14/09 - Trevor

In Memory of Swayze... - 09/14/09 - Trevor

"Never Say Never" - 09/15/09 - Scott

Automatic Door FAIL - 09/15/09 - Trevor

The Real Houseboys of Brookyln - 09/15/09 - Trevor

Aussie Study: Anal Warts and Gonorrhea Associated with HIV Infection - 09/15/09 - Trevor

Is Promoting Male Circumcision as Prevention Ethical? - 09/15/09 - Trevor

Documentary: Homophobia Defenders => Lesbian Gang!!! - 09/15/09 - Trevor

New issue of Ganymede - 09/16/09 - Scott

White Buffalo's Return to Emerald Island - 09/16/09 - Ted Kerr

Awkward Facebook Status Moments - 09/16/09 - Trevor

Busting Myths About the So-Called "Developing World" - 09/16/09 - Trevor

Police raid Atlanta Gay bar - 09/17/09 - Jackson B.

Stereotypes Are Bad - And Other Myths About Liberal Politics - 09/17/09 - Trevor

A Handful of Lines by Geoff Mains... - 09/18/09 - Rostom

Why Do I Keep Running from the Ta-Ruuuuth? - 09/19/09 - Trevor

Required Reading: Pleasure Consuming Medicine: The Queer Politics of Drugs - 09/22/09 - Trevor

AVAC: Anticipating the Results of ALVAC / AIDSVAX Vaccine Trial - 09/22/09 - Trevor

Woman/girl love commotion in London - 09/22/09 - Scott

Breaking News: Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene - 09/23/09 - Trevor

NYT: "Coming Out in Middle School" - 09/23/09 - Trevor

Advocate: Change Coming to HIV Immigration Ban... - 09/23/09 - Trevor

Help Protect Insurance Companies Today - 09/23/09 - Trevor

Mika "Comes Out" as Bisexual - 09/23/09 - Trevor

Britney's New Single: "3" - 09/23/09 - Trevor

Tomorrow: UC Faculty Walkout - 09/23/09 - Trevor

Our 1003rd Entry! - 09/24/09 - Trevor

BREAKING: Thai HIV Vaccine Trial Shows (30%) Preventative Effect - 09/24/09 - Trevor

GLEE Tackles Beyonce -- On the Football Field - 09/24/09 - Trevor

The End of Condoms? Not so much. - 09/25/09 - Daniel Reeders

Scary bike crash! - 09/25/09 - Scott

MI: OK to Bar HIV-Poz Inmates From Serving Food in the Cafeteria - 09/25/09 - Trevor

How We Read Each Other's Minds - 09/25/09 - Trevor

New Fame Flick, Sans Gays - 09/25/09 - Trevor

When Spiders Take Drugs... - 09/26/09 - Trevor

Glenn Beck Boils Frogs On TV - 09/26/09 - Trevor

Tony Valenzuela Named Interim E.D. of Lambda Literary Foundation! - 09/26/09 - Trevor

Million Dollar Bill - 09/27/09 - Scott

The Drama of Monopoly... On the Big Screen! - 09/29/09 - Trevor

The Death of Newspapers... In Pretty Pictures - 09/29/09 - Trevor

Coming Out is So Gay! - 09/29/09 - Trevor

The Sexist: Common Defenses of Polanski Arrest, Refuted - 09/29/09 - Trevor

Ratio of Job-Seekers to Available Jobs: 6.0 - 09/29/09 - Trevor

Copy Machine Fail - 09/29/09 - Trevor

Britney's New Single (For Realz This Time) - 09/29/09 - Trevor

Kylie Tour Sneak Peak! - 09/29/09 - Trevor

In What Planet is this News? - 09/30/09 - Trevor


A Little Ditty For Your Saturday... - 10/03/09 - Trevor

And Another From the Archives: "Fuck Anita Bryant" - 10/03/09 - Trevor

SFAF: "Is the Thai Trial the Holy Grail?" - 10/04/09 - Trevor

Nina Garcia and Michael Kors, Where Art Thou? - 10/04/09 - Trevor

From the Set of "The View From the Bottom" - 10/05/09 - Trevor

Speaking of Cheesecake... - 10/05/09 - Trevor

Donna Sachet Sings National Anthem, Makes History - 10/06/09 - Trevor

The View From the Bottom - Ep 8 - Threeway Edition! - 10/06/09 - Trevor

Andrew Sullivan Crucifies HRC, Obama - 10/06/09 - Trevor

Tribute to Amalia Rodrigues - 10/06/09 - Rostom

On Stopping Smoking (Please Don't Congratulate Me) - 10/06/09 - Trevor

Showgirls: The Sequel!!!! - 10/07/09 - Trevor

Judith Butler Takes on UC Financial Collapse - 10/07/09 - Trevor

Fox News deploys NAMBLA stigma in latest anti-gay witch-hunt - 10/10/09 - Scott

"Ich weiss, was ich tu" - 10/10/09 - Scott

El 2 de Octubre se nos olvidó otra vez. - 10/10/09 - Nolberto González

Feminicidio cotidiano/Murder against women as a part of our cotidianity - 10/10/09 - Nolberto González

SF's most tragic celebrate national coming out day! - 10/11/09 - Jackson B.

"You're Being Shagged by a Rare Parrot!" - 10/11/09 - Trevor

Sexism? There's an app for that. - 10/12/09 - Jackson B.

Best commute home ever - 10/12/09 - Scott

"You know Dr. Eve, the next time I'm gonna masturbate, I'm gonna fantasize about a woman that's a little bit more masculine." - 10/12/09 - Scott

My Bottom Monologue: "Masc4Masc: No Fats, Fems or Blacks" - 10/13/09 - Trevor

"YMCA"? Seriously? - 10/14/09 - Scott

Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License in LA - 10/16/09 - Trevor

Happy Birthday Jackson! - 10/16/09 - Trevor

A Weekend to Remember! - 10/21/09 - Trevor

"Social Network for the Dead" - 10/21/09 - Scott

Sports Headline FAIL - 10/22/09 - Trevor

Kooky Christians: Golden Girls = Gateway Drug to "Same-Sex Experimentation" - 10/24/09 - Trevor

Flashback to the 90s - 10/25/09 - Trevor

The View From the Bottom - Ep 9 - Central Park Ed.! - 10/26/09 - Trevor

Obama signs Matthew Shepard Act - 10/28/09 - Scott

Right-Wing Egyptian Newspaper Describes Us... - 10/29/09 - Rostom

Whitehouse repeals HIV travel ban (finally) - 10/30/09 - Scott

Lady GaGa Goes Christmas - 10/30/09 - Trevor


Cacería de orgifiestas gay en Puebla / Hunting Orgy-Parties in Puebla - 11/01/09 - Nolberto González

A Weekend of Gourmet Dining! - 11/02/09 - Trevor

gay orgies hunt in Puebla - 11/02/09 - Nolberto González

If You Live in Maine... - 11/03/09 - Trevor

Refusing to Have Sex With HIV-Positive People: Why It's Not a Prevention Strategy, and Why It's Harmful to Our Communities - 11/03/09 - Trevor

Michigan Declares Victory! - 11/03/09 - Trevor

And Some Good News in Florida... - 11/03/09 - Trevor

And in Chapel Hill, NC... - 11/03/09 - Trevor

Nate Silver on Defeat in Maine... - 11/04/09 - Trevor

Give neg men time and space to learn - 11/07/09 - Daniel Reeders

Trying to Understand the Anger: Analyzing Responses to My Pozphobia Piece on Qweerty - 11/08/09 - Trevor

Manhunt Spreads the Good Word: Listerine Strips = Fun Rimming Aid! - 11/09/09 - Trevor

Mich. D.A.: Biting Someone if You're Poz = Terrorism. - 11/10/09 - Trevor

Varla Jean Takes on Manhunt Profiles - 11/11/09 - Trevor

CNN: Obese Kids = Bombs - 11/12/09 - Trevor

New GaGa Ft. Beyonce: "Telephone" - 11/13/09 - Trevor

Gay Mentorship on Ugly Betty - 11/14/09 - Trevor

New GaGa: "Speechless" - 11/15/09 - Trevor

The Anvil, New York: A View into the Heaven - 11/16/09 - Rostom

She's A Freak Bitch, Y'all: Review of Lady GaGa's Fame Monster - 11/18/09 - Trevor

Call for Submissions: Gay City Anthology, "Repulped" - 11/18/09 - Trevor

Should Vampires Go Mainstream?: An Analysis of Twilight - 11/20/09 - Max

So I Guess This Means He's a Top? - 11/23/09 - Trevor

The Politics of Post Exposure Propylyaxis Access (Or, God Dammit, Why Won't You Give Me the Care That I'm Entitled To?!?) - 11/24/09 - Trevor

Turkey-Stuffed Bottoms... - 11/24/09 - Trevor

25 Years of Oprah Yelling Names - 11/24/09 - Trevor

Sarah Palin Fans Show Their Expertise in Policy Issues - 11/25/09 - Trevor

Uganda updates the acronym - 11/28/09 - Daniel Reeders



Ringing in the New Decade Right! - 01/06/10 - Trevor

Orbitz Gaycation Donation (You Book, They Donate) - 01/06/10 - Trevor

Maxime's "Best Foreign Picture" Oscar Roundup: Sadism, Prison Gangs, and Drama Queens, Oh My! - 01/11/10 - Max

Feliz cumpleaños Erósfera - 01/13/10 - Nolberto González

SCOTUS' Bizarre Rationale for Blocking Prop 8 Cameras: Supporters --> Victims - 01/14/10 - Trevor

Meredith Vieira Needs Some Lovin' - 01/14/10 - Trevor

Chicago: "What is Justice for the Black Gay Man?" 1/28 Ft. Keith Boykin - 01/14/10 - Trevor

Lesbian Prevention - 01/15/10 - Rostom

A Message from Your Friendly Manhunt Neighbor - 01/16/10 - Trevor

GRINDR 1.1's Distance Accuracy Feature - 01/19/10 - Trevor

Congrats to Mark @ for 10 Years of Blogavism! - 01/20/10 - Trevor

Quote of the Day: Karl Ulrichs on his "Uranian Love", 1862 - 01/20/10 - Trevor

British Airways: All Men = Potential Child Molestors - 01/21/10 - Trevor

SCOTUS Paves Way for Corporations to Buy Elections - 01/21/10 - Trevor

New "View from the Bottom" Coming ASAP! - 01/23/10 - Trevor

Young Gay Man Seeks Love, IKEA, and Dinner Parties - 01/27/10 - Trevor

A skeptical look at self-harm - 01/27/10 - Daniel Reeders

Tonight in Chicago!: "What is Justice for Black Gay Men?" - 01/28/10 - Trevor


Does Justice = Loving Yourself? Thoughts From the Forum on Black Gay Men - 02/01/10 - Trevor

Show Me Your Teeth - 02/02/10 - Trevor

What Does it Mean to Call Something "Problematic"? - 02/02/10 - Trevor

Being Fierce About What You Believe In: France and the US in Contrast - 02/04/10 - Max

The View from the Bottom!: "What condoms are best for the gays?" (Ep#11) - 02/05/10 - Trevor

Gay men make great uncles? - 02/06/10 - Scott

Join the Homosexual Intifada!: Reading Desiring Arabs in My Bubble Bath - 02/08/10 - Max

PEP411 Video Talks Sex, HIV Risk, and Post Exposure Prophylaxis - 02/09/10 - Trevor

In Memory of Alexander McQueen - 02/11/10 - Trevor

Isn't There Anyone Here For Love? - 02/12/10 - Trevor

Dykon k.d. lang Opens Winter Olympics - 02/13/10 - Trevor

Can "Uncertainty" Help us Better Understand "Sexual Risk?" - 02/14/10 - Trevor

Submit Your Thoughts: The Anonymous Gay Sex Column! - 02/18/10 - Trevor

Twitter Comments Updated - 02/18/10 - Trevor

Hot Like Mexico, Rejoice! - 02/28/10 - Trevor


The View From the Bottom: "Do You Have Straight Friends?" (Ep#12) - 03/03/10 - Trevor

What Can Poppers Do For You? - 03/09/10 - Anonymous

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere - 03/10/10 - Trevor

One More Reason Why The Rising Cost of Higher Ed is a Problem... - 03/10/10 - Trevor

Wendy Brown: "Without quality public education, there is no future for democracy" - 03/10/10 - Trevor

Michigan: Call Legislators to Block No-Consent HIV Testing Law (HB 4583) - 03/11/10 - Trevor

Sobre el día de la mujer - 03/11/10 - Nolberto González

Gaga + Beyonce = Bizarre Amazingness - 03/12/10 - Trevor

Inappropriate Facebook Comment of the Day - 03/12/10 - Trevor

Kim & Cookie - 03/12/10 - Scott

Marion Cotillard for Forehead Tittaes - 03/15/10 - Trevor

Interview with Gaga's cut prison yard girlfriend - 03/17/10 - Scott

Top Scripts and Dud Roots - 03/27/10 - Daniel Reeders

Could DisneyLand Get Any Gayer? - 03/30/10 - Trevor


Canadian Man Prosecuted for Exposing Partner to Herpes - 04/01/10 - Trevor

Learning How to be a Slut: Jasira's Sexual Odyssey in Towelhead - 04/01/10 - Max

My Response to David Mixner's "Critique" of HIV "Silence" - 04/02/10 - Trevor

"These individuals" - 04/02/10 - Daniel Reeders

Wear Your "Heart" On Your Sleeve - 04/05/10 - Trevor

The View From the Bottom: "What can bottoms do with Viagra?" (Ep#13) - 04/05/10 - Trevor

Why Do Sorority Girls Come To Gay Bars? - 04/09/10 - Trevor

SF: City Implements Controversial Test-and-Treat Program - 04/09/10 - Trevor

Fire Him: Wisconsin DA Threatens to Arrest Teachers Doing Their Job - 04/09/10 - Trevor

Introducing... Brownie Husband - 04/11/10 - Trevor

The Anatomy of a Research Claim: "Having older sex partners increases HIV risk for young gay men" - 04/12/10 - Trevor

What US Cities Have the Biggest Dicks? - 04/13/10 - Trevor

Making My Television Debut: Saturday, 8 PM on LOGO! - 04/13/10 - Trevor

NEW SCISSOR SISTERS!!!!: "Invisible Light" - 04/13/10 - Trevor

50Faggots Documents the Lives of Sissies - 04/14/10 - Trevor

James Baldwin Looks for "The real situation of Negroes in the city, as opposed to the image San Francisco would like to present." (1963) - 04/17/10 - Trevor

Myth of the Day: Americans Sue Everything and Everyone Because Community Has Disappeared - 04/20/10 - Trevor

"I'm Betty White, Bitch!" - 04/21/10 - Trevor



Kylie's "All the Lovers" Vid! - 06/02/10 - Trevor

And the new Scissor Sisters Video too! - 06/02/10 - Trevor

Terrorism Charges Dropped Against HIV-Positive Michigan Man - 06/03/10 - Trevor

Chris Bartlett gets ED - 06/04/10 - Scott

Fag beat of the week - 06/04/10 - Scott

2010 Frameline Film Festival Picks! - 06/10/10 - Trevor

The Times UK: "HIV and the rise of complacency" - 06/17/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "Elvis & Madona" - 06/21/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "I Killed My Mother" - 06/21/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "We Were Here: Voices from the AIDS Years in San Francisco" - 06/22/10 - Trevor

SF: Do You Want MORE For Pride Sunday? - 06/22/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "Dzi Croquettes" - 06/22/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "The Last Summer of La Boyita" - 06/23/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "Brotherhood" - 06/23/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "Off World" - 06/23/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "Sex in an Epidemic" - 06/25/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "Undertow" - 06/25/10 - Trevor

Frameline 34: "The Adults in the Room" - 06/25/10 - Trevor




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Sexuality & LGBT Studies
Sexuality & LGBT Studies
SF Weekly
silver foxes
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
size queens
social justice
social marketing
social networking
social science
Sordid Lives
South Africa
South America
South Park
stem cells
stock market
stop AIDS
straight people
Sue Hyde
Supreme Court
Susan Kippax
Susan Stryker
Suzanne Pharr
Ted White
The Advocate
The Anonymous Gay Sex Column
The Bottom Monologues
The Gayest Podcast in Michigan
The L Word
The Netherlands
The Onion
the South
The Today Show
The Vatican
The View from the Bottom
The Village People
Time Magazine
Tina Fey
Toe up
Tom DeLay
Tony Valenzuela
Transamerican Love Story
Troy Wood
Tucker Carlson
Twilight Series
Ugly Betty
UNC Chapel Hill
Union Square
United Kingdom
United Nations
Unity Conference
University of Michigan
Urvashi Vaid
Vagina Monologues
Valentine's Day
Veteran's Day
Victoria Beckham
Village Voice
Washington DC
Wendy Brown
Whitney Houston
William Way
women of color
Women's Studies
World Health Organization
young gay men
Émile Durkheim