Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff was, as many had predicted, indicted today on five counts - including one count of obstruction of justice, two of perjury, and two of making false statements. This is obviously a serious hit for the Bush Admin. It creates the perception for many Americans that Cheney was most likely privy to the same information (and it's not like he's a likeable guy in the first place, folks).
Even more problematic, though, for the Bushies is the fact that Rove was not, as they had hoped, cleared today. He is still under investigation. In recent White House statements about the investigation, the Admin had seriously hoped to get the investigation over with and behind them. This did not happen today. The investigation is ongoing and indictments for Rove are still a real possibility.
Moreover, its likely that the GOP nationally will further distance themselves from the Administration over this scandal. This distance will certainly make it increasingly difficult for the Admin to get anything done policy-wise.
Unfortunately for the Administration, Bush made the worst decision possible and continued with his plans to leave town today. He gave a 60-second-long schpeel to reporters this morning on how he has a job to do - including the upcoming SCOTUS nomination - and then high-tailed it out of town.
I had to ask myself, "Trevor, if you were President, would you leave town the day your Presidential Administration started to crumble?" No - I seriously doubt that'd be the best idea. I would have stayed at the White House and had the critical meetings necessary to assure everyone working for me that we were going to move forward. Bush didn't do this. And he can expect there to be fallout because of it.