Yesterday's stress gave way, fortunately, to a most lovely day today. Me and Troy started off the day at the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival where we saw "The End of AIDS: The Search for a Vaccine," a very well produced documentary on the history of AIDS Vaccine research, and "The D Word," a parody of the Showtime series "The L Word" featuring lesbian comedian Marga Gomez. Both films were a treat - its a rare experience to see such well-done LGBTIQ cinema.
Following that we had a few drinks and ventured two blocks to check out today's apartment. Really - two blocks from the heart of the Castro. It turned out to be fantastic - so much so that we put in an application. We're hopeful that we'll snag the place. Living in the Castro would be too exciting for words!!!
My good friend Liz's birthday happened to fall on this lovely Pride Weekend and so we ventured to her girlfriend's apartment to celebrate the occasion. It was great to see so many friends from last summer - we had a blast. Liz will be a fellow 1st year in the SFSU Masters program this Fall.
From her party we walked the few blocks over to the Castro for "The Pink Party" - where 10s of 1000's of queer people fill the street and celebrate Pride. It was great to be jam packed in that kind of setting with people filling the streets for as far as the eye could see and not feel threatened or in danger because of my sexuality.
Then, off to "Drunk and Horny" - a party in the Haight that turned out to be LOTS of fun. I ran into a future Professor of mine - who was really excited to see me, as was I. It was crazy to be partying down in a bar with my Professor - awesome, for sure. Also ran into Mr. Win Chesson who was with friends from his Gay Swim Team. So cute. Good times.
Tomorrow is Pride. 3 hour parade. Lots of fanfare. Good times. Troy leaves me tomorrow evening back home, and then I head out Monday evening. It has been a great trip - stressful at times, but a fantastic trip. This city is so amazing - the gay boy scene is so relax, chill, and really not pretentious or hard to navigate. Can't wait to be here :)